These programs are part of the Mental Health Ministry

Reaching Across

Barbara is Assistant Director of the Life Reaching Across to Life Organization (Reaching Across) in Fremont, California.

Caring Congregation Curriculum 

A congregational program of workshops focused on welcoming and supporting people with mental disorders and their families.

Caring Cong Book

Webinars and Seminars on Mental Health

Barbara gives webinars and seminars about mental health in the community.  To arrange for her to give a webinar or workshop in your community, contact her at com_minister at

Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry

Barbara has been a leader in establishing the Accessibility and Inclusion Ministry, which is a joint program of the Unitarian Universalist Association and the UU Disability organization EqUUal Access, that offers certification to congregations as being accessible and inclusive of people with disabilities.

Mental Health and Disability Advocacy

Barbara has done social justice advocacy for mental health issues and more broadly for disability issues.

The first two pictures are from the Unitarian Universalist General Assembly 2017 in New Orleans when there was a Responsive Resolution written by Rev. Theresa Inez Soto to change the name of the “Standing on the Side of Love” campaign to something that was less ableist. In the picture on the left, I am shown with my colleague the Rev. Suzanne Fast, in tears because I am so moved at this historic moment where ableism finally had found its voice, and was overwhelmingly supported by the delegates.  In the picture on the right, the actual vote as it took place.  The bottom is a picture of me giving testimony in Sacramento in 2011 at a Senate hearing on mental health.


Mental Health Matters TV Shows 

A collection of half-hour TV programs that focusing on mental health issues

Video on Compassion Fatigue

Compassion Fatigue

Mental Health Recovery Videos

A collection of brief videos telling personal stories of recovery from mental health problems by real people

CC Wynn
CC Wynn

The Listening Post

Rev. Barbara Meyers and Karolyn Stenlund have created a project of listening to people who are marginalized.

Spiritual Direction

Rev. Barbara Meyers is a certified spiritual director who companions people in their spiritual lives.

Emotional CPR (eCPR)

Rev. Barbara Meyers is a trained facilitator of eCPR, which is a public education program to teach people how to help others who are in emotional crisis.   For a very moving example of eCPR in action, listen to this story of how an Australian mother and her son were helped by a person trained in eCPR.

Spiritual Emergence Coach

Barbara has a certificate as a Spiritual Emergence Coach from the Integrative Mental Health University.

Mental Health Sermons by Barbara and others

This is a collection of sermons on the subject of mental health preached by Barbara and by other people.

Connections Counseling Center

Connections: A Counseling Center Affirming Spirituality and Diversity was a counseling center that Barbara helped to start and run.  It was in business for nearly two years before closing its doors in September 2016.