
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Event Type

Rev. Greg will lead a once / month 8-month course (3rd Tuesdays from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.) on learning how to be a white ally. This class is based on the popular course to come out of All Souls Unitarian Church in Tulsa OK called RE-WIRE. Participants will take a close look at how ‘whiteness’ has been historically and systemically developed over time to maintain the dominant place in the cultural hierarchy, extending a set of privileges or disadvantages to people depending on their racial, ethnic or cultural identity. The readings, assignments and exercises in this class will be perspective changing and prepare participants to better understand what is required to be white allies.  There is required reading and a small donation requested to participate. If you are interested, here’s the SIGN UP FOR RE-WIRE