Have you ever walked a Labyrinth? Its design has decorated ancient Cretan coins, graced the English countryside, and guided mediaeval European pilgrims in their great cathedrals (Chartres and Amiens, for example) toward meditation and prayer. Labyrinths have been meditative tools for the human race for thousands of years.
During the last 20 years or so this ancient symbol with its mythology has undergone a renewal and is once again being used as a spiritual tool. Walking the single path to the center requires shifting your direction at each turn. This is said to help induce a receptive state of consciousness, thus deepening the spiritual experience.
Two kinds of labyrinths we have experienced at MPUUC are the Cretan Labyrinth and the Chalice Labyrinth.
The Cretan seven circuit labyrinth is the oldest form on record. It is known from clay tablets dated from 1200 BC. It also appears on Cretan coins. Its name is known from the myth of the labyrinth being the home of the minataur on Mt. Knossos in Greece. Strangely, this design has appeared in the ancient cultures of India, Scandinavia, Egypt, England, and Arizona in the New World.
Here is a picture of a Cretan Labyrinth at MPUUC on October 6, 2002, during the service "Walking a Pilgrim's Path" -- CretanLabyrinth.jpg.
The Chalice labyrinth is a modern labyrinth, designed with four circuits in the classical fashion. It features a large chalice at the base which holds and supports the meditative center of the labyrinth. Its design is based on this Christian chalice labyrinth created by Bob Peach of Atlanta GA.
On Memorial Day Sunday, May 30, 2004 the service "Finding Peace in a World Torn By War" focused on achieving world and inner peace. After the service, everyone was invited to make a peace pilgrimage by walking the labyrinth and experiencing its symbolic power.
The winding path leading to the center of the labyrinth becomes a symbolic journey to the center of each person's spiritual heart. The return to the everyday world is made through the chalice of higher consciousness, each person bringing a committed heart of peacefulness to the community and their life.
Here is a picture of a Chalice Labyrinth at MPUUC -- ChaliceLabyrinth.jpg.