Author: Graham Bell

▶️ The Path Toward Building Beloved Community

In this service commemorating the liberational work of Dr. Martin Luther King, we will explore the vision of Beloved Community – originally espoused by James Royce in the 1930s but which became the cornerstone of the non-violent civil rights movement of the 50s and 60s. Unitarian Universalists responded to King’s call to go to Selma and we invited him to preach for our denomination the following year. But our time with King has only served to emphasize the question of whether – and how – to make his ‘Dream’ come true in our lifetime.

▶️ A God Who Laughs

Becoming an adult is serious business. So serious, in fact, that many of us lose our sense of humor – or, exchange it for something we think will be more useful – along the way. Has this been the case for you? Did you, one day, set aside your mirth, your Imagination or whimsy, only to come back and find it missing? How about playfulness? Are you operating from less than you were originally given? And where will you discover and coax back such essential tools now that you recognize their value?” After the service we will explore the history – and the future – of our children and youth programming.

▶️ Starving Autist – Neuro-Queerity / Gender Vaguery / Privilege

What is important to understand about truth? Beauty? Justice? Equality? Diversity? Liberation? And what if we were to hear about such concepts from someone who sees and experiences life from a neurodivergent perspective? Could we really count on recognizing truth, beauty, justice, equality, diversity and liberation if we didn’t seek out and embrace such a perspective?

▶️ Learning from the Magi

Using the visit of the magi to advocate that religious traditions should accept input from other traditions, we review the six broad sources from which Unitarian Universalists look for guidance and inspiration.

▶️ Christmas Eve Service – The Journey to Bethlehem – a Modern Story

This Christmas Eve service will explore the journey to Bethlehem from a surprisingly unconventional lens: what would the nativity story look like if it happened today. Who would play the various roles? Which part would the shepherd play? Who would be the Wise ones? Who are Mary and Joseph today? And what will the Angel proclaim about the child?

▶️ A Star is Born

Nearly 15 years ago, Rev. Michael Dowd (who spoke to us in the spring) and others started introducing concepts such as ‘Big Time’. They wrestled away from us a very rigid relationship between time and history (that placed human beings at the center) and replaced it with a cosmology that is much bigger than us. What if we were to explore our past – and our future – through such a cosmic timeline? Would we still find light in the time of darkness? Birth in an unexpected place?

▶️ Miracles Amidst Mayhem

Miracles are not necessarily the currency of Unitarian Universalists. We deal more in discussion groups, spreadsheets and a stack of assorted policies. When it comes to those things, we have it all over Evangelicals and Catholics. But when it comes to miracles we’re in last place in the religious pantheon. Which is too bad. Because we could use a miracle or two when it comes to some of the areas where we’re trying to make a difference: holding our elected leaders accountable, racial equity and justice, helping the hungry, unhoused and the poor. Our efforts in these arenas seem less successful lately. Maybe the real miracle comes in continuing to believe our efforts will prevail.

▶️ Mystery Pageant Theater 2021: A Pandemic Odyssey

MPUUC has a long history of children and youth pageants many of which were designed and written by our own community! Join us as we walk down memory lane with highlights of pageants past and special appearances by some of our favorite performers.

▶️ Guest at Your Table

In the 1930’s the Unitarian Service Committee was created to recognize and serve those persecuted by Nazi xenophobic push. Since then, the service program has continued to reach out to all parts of the globe to serve those who are treated unjustly. The Guest at Your Table (GAYT) program introduces our 2020-21 GAYT ‘Partners’.

▶️ Transgender Day of Remembrance

Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual observance that honors the memory of our transgender identified siblings whose lives were lost in the past year. Join us as we take time to hold space for the lives lost and explore how we as a community support the lives of our transgender siblings.