Congregational Meeting May 17th

The Board of the Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation is calling a special meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, May 17th, 2020, at 11:30 AM, to be conducted by electronic communications, for the purpose of considering the following motion:

We, the Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation, call the Reverend Greg S. Ward to be our Settled Minister, in accordance with the bylaws of the Congregation and the contract approved by the Board, and subject to Reverend Ward’s acceptance of this call.

We are  looking forward to candidating week, which ends May 17 and urge you to avail yourselves of opportunities to get to know our Ministerial Candidate, Rev. Greg Ward so that you’ll be prepared to vote. See Week on the Peak for more information.

All members with email should have received more information on this meeting. Please contact Steve Wallcave if you did not receive it. The few individuals without email will receive a mailed letter in the next week.