Easy Way to Reduce your Carbon Footprint

As some of you may already know, EBCE began offering cleaner, greener electricity at lower rates than PG&E to Alameda County residents back in November 2018 when residential service plans were automatically converted from the standard PG&E plan to the EBCE Bright Choice option. This Bright Choice option delivers electricity that is 87% carbon-free compared to 40% for the PG&E plan, and at a 1.5% discount! This is an impressive achievement, but we can do even better!

To demonstrate your commitment to mitigating global warming, each of us can opt up to the Brilliant 100 (100% carbon-free) or Renewable 100 (100% carbon-free and renewable) plan offered by EBCE. The Brilliant 100 plan costs the same as what you were paying PG&E before the switch, and the Renewable 100 plan costs 1 cent more per kilowatt hour of electricity, an extra $4 per month for the average customer. CARE (California Alternate Rates for Energy) or FERA (Family Electric Rate Assistance) discounts, at least 20% and 12% discount respectively, would more than offsets the extra cost of opting up to the either plan.

To opt up, go to the link on the EBCE site:

Questions? Call or email Jeff Goby.