1. Do you know someone who is a hoarder? If so, describe the situation and any attempts you know to make changes in it. For example, do you know of a triggering event after which the hoarding started; did the person or family member seek help; was the situation unsafe; did the person admit that there was a problem??
  2. Have you ever watched the popular cable TV show on Hoarding? How do the situations on that show measure up to what Dr. Tompkins described?
  3. Rev. Meyers said she had trouble trying to find someone who was a hoarder to be on the show. Which of these factors do you think contributed most to this: Fear, shame, lack of insight, legal ramifications, or something else?
  4. Dr. Tompkins said that some of the most difficult to treat cases are people who are in their 70’s or 80’s and have been hoarding for many years. Why do you think these situations would be more difficult than others?
  5. Why do you think Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is the approach that works best and drugs and talk therapy are less helpful?
  6. Can you imagine what the family members of a hoarder go through? Do they also need support for this process?
  7. What do you think of Dr. Tompkins’ suggested approach of treating a hoarding situation with a team of professionals that works with the entire family?

For resources see: Resources Mentioned in the Show

These questions are to provide family and peer discussion and education. The information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. If you think someone is too fragile to be part of the discussion, please have them consult their mental health care provider for individual advice regarding the situation.