1. What do you think of the concept of having an integrated team of experts working with a person who has a mental disorder? What are the strong points of this idea? Can you think of any reasons why it wouldn’t work?
  2. Think of someone you know who has a mental disorder. It could be you or someone else. What experts do you think this person would need most to address their situation in a comprehensive way?
  3. Even if a person doesn’t have a mental disorder, do you think he or she might gain from having a comprehensive evaluation and a team of experts working with him or her?
  4. What do you think of Tom Wootton’s idea that it isn’t necessarily good to get rid of all psychiatric symptoms – rather one might be able to learn to handle them?
  5. All three guests talk about learning to experience a broader range of emotions than some psychiatric medications allow. What do you think of their approach? Would it work for you or someone you know with a mood disorder? Can you see a down side to this approach?
  6. Do you agree that some psychiatric conditions might also have an up-side? For example, can you learn something from depression? Have you or someone you know learned anything from depression? If so, what?

These questions are to provide family and peer discussion and education. The information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. If you think someone is too fragile to be part of the discussion, please have them consult their mental health care provider for individual advice regarding the situation.