This Week on the Peak

This Week on the Peak – Wednesday, March 4, 2020
This Week on the Peak
Mission Peak UU – Fremont, CA
The Home of Liberal Religion in the Tri-Cities and Beyond!
March 4, 2020

Ministerial Musings
This Sunday we will be honoring International Women’s Day during the month of March which has been designated Women’s History Month. In looking at quotes made memorable about women, I have been struck by how these quotes spotlight a woman’s role as wife and mother and not the qualities that we just consider as human. One from Ruth Bader Ginsburg:
“My mother told me two things constantly. One was to be a lady and the other was to be independent, and the law was something most unusual for those times because for most girls growing up in the ’40s, the most important degree was not your B.A. but your M.R.S.”
Many of the quotes I read felt very demeaning and misogynistic towards women. It came from the era in which they were spoken. So many of the quotes were a century or more old, and only those true pioneers of old recognized the role women played during that time. Louisa May Alcott wrote: “Women have been called queens for a long time, but the kingdom given them isn’t worth ruling.” She epitomized the spirit of women who saw life as giving so much more than they were allowed to have. Even Ralph Waldo Emerson stated: “The age of a woman doesn’t mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles.” Would he have said that regarding a man? I doubt that age was even considered for men, other than to denote wisdom and experience.
We’ve come so far as a gender. Female identified people are able to pursue so many more dreams today than even 40 years ago. When I was very young, about the age of 8 or so, I told my father I wanted to become a doctor, as I had seen a documentary on the first heart transplant at school, narrated by Walter Cronkite. He informed me that I couldn’t be a doctor, but I could be a nurse because men were doctors and women were nurses. I pointed out that our family doctor was a woman and he said, yes but that’s because she inherited the business when her husband, our former family doctor, died. I was too young to realize that she would have had to complete all the degrees and requirements to gain access to a medical practice and accepted what he said. I was disappointed but I moved on.
My how life has changed. I don’t believe today any child would accept that they couldn’t be what they wished to be. And so many more parents would not dream of telling their female identified children they couldn’t be something that they give permission to their male identified children. Yes, there is still much to be done. Our transgendered children are still prohibited from truly living the life they wish to live. There is much, much work to be done. This month, let us revel in the victories we have experienced and let us rejoice in the strength and courage we are seeing in our young people. Change is happening and as Unitarian Universalists we are a part of that change. Thank you for all the work you are doing to give inherent worth and dignity to all people in the world.
Generous and grateful blessings to you all,
Rev. Jo
Please feel free to contact me
By email: 
By phone: 510-972-3890
This Sunday’s Service:

International Women’s Day : Where Do We Go From Here?
On this day honoring women around the world, we will explore the place in history women have played and the advances made in equality. How have our lives changed and has our Second Principle participated in achieving equality with women? Join us this Sunday to celebrate women  
Rev. Jo Green will lead the service and assisting will be Worship Associate Katherine Alm. Jay Steele will provide our music

Share the Plate for Democracy and UU the Vote!
Our 5th principal is all about democracy. UU the Vote is a non-partisan faith initiative supporting congregations and UU organizations in mobilizing thousands of Unitarian Universalists for electoral justice. MPUUC locally has partnered with Youth Voter Movement (YVM), a project of the local League of Women Voters, to register thousands of local youth over the last two years. We hope to continue this partnership with more events leading up to the November General election , but we need funds to do this work! The Justice Council has applied for a UU the Vote Grant and we will  Share the Plate with YVM this Sunday, March 8. Please make checks to Mission Peak UU, or donate cash, and we will cut a check for the total amount to YVM (please make a note if your donation is intended for pledge fulfillment instead). See you on Sunday! 
( Note: if you can’t make it to the MPUUC service on Sunday, but want to donate, please get a check to us by Friday, March 6).

The Coronavirus

In the last couple of weeks we’ve had some changes that are affecting people world-wide.  With the spread of the Coronavirus, many people are worried, are afraid, maybe even completely changing their lifestyles to prevent acquiring this virus.  Much is being said and much being said is not true.  As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we are here during these times of change, times of uncertainty, superstition, or fear.  We are here to combat those superstitions and especially now, those xenophobic associations that are being presented in the form of the Coronavirus from Wuhan.  Let us as Unitarian Universalists not associate this virus with a nationality; not associate this virus with a n opportunity to discriminate and instill fear.  We have the World Health Organization and the CDC to give us correct scientific information.  Let us rely on them as the experts while keeping our common sense and knowing that there is much we still don’t know about this virus.  
Common practices in combating the flu virus right now makes sense and not giving fear a boost when there’s sti ll so much we don’t know.  Wash your hands often; the experts say to not touch your face as that will spread the virus, and there is some concern regarding how it might be spreading in the Bay Area.  Continue to patronize Asian restaurants here in the Bay Area as they are seeing a significant drop in patronage since the advent of the Coronavirus and the xenophobic fear that others are having. 
We are here for each other to be with each other and fight false accusations sent in fear.  There is not a pandemic as yet, and yes, Mayor London Breed has called for a state of emergency in San Francisco as a precautionary measure, as this will give the city access to resources they may need in the future.  Know that we are all here for each other and that we right now are safe and that our community is safe.  I and the Lay Leaders here in the congregation will keep you abreast of any significant changes and advice.  Meanwhile, use common sense and we will monitor any recommendations coming from the CDC.   
Blessings to all,
Rev Jo

We are in the process of rejuvenating the Pastoral Associates committee.  I, Rev. Barbara Meyers, and Melody Yamaguchi met and discussed the process and future of this committee and it’s very exciting that they have agreed to be Co-Chairs of this committee!  We will be holding a general meeting for those who are interested in being on the committee or members of the Caring Circle on
Sunday, March 8th after Coffee Hour after the service around 11:45 a.m.  in the MPUUC Office.

The purpose of the Pastoral Associates committee is to extend the care of the church, through one-to-one caring and helping activities by lay members of the congregation to those who are in special need.  This is pastoral care – a ministry of presence and support, not pastoral counseling – which requires counseling certification.  It is a way to reach out to this congregation and to be of service.  As Edward Everett Hale says:
I am only one
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. 
Please consider attending this meeting on Sunday March 8th after the service around 1145 a.m. in the MPUUC Office.  It could be the one thing you can do.
Blessings to all,
Rev. Jo

Board Briefs

Our next board meeting is March 12th at 7:00PM at Allysson’s house.

For complete board minutes of previous meetings or text of committee charters go to the members only section of our web site at

For more information email
Workshop on developing a Mission Peak Covenant of Right Relations Saturday, March 14rh

On Saturday, March 14th Rev Jo and I will facilitate a workshop on around developing a Covenant of Right Relations for Mission Peak UU. We will meet in Ockerman rooms 7 and 8 starting at 9:00 am with snacks, coffee and check-in. It should last till about Noon. We hope as many people can attend as possible, so we have a good cross section of the congregation.

“For more information about the workshop click here.”

Covenants of Right Relations (also called Behavioral Covenants) help us treat each other with the respect that our Principals call on us to show. They allow us to discuss and resolve the inevitable conflicts associated with living in community in respectful, constructive and creative ways. They help build trust and even closer community. And now, while the congregation is thriving, is the best time of all to create one.

Please email me if you are planning to attend at
Save the Date for our Canvass 2020 Event:
Saturday, March 28th  5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Canvass 2020 is our chance to show our commitment to our community. This week you should receive in the mail a canvass brochure with a UUA giving guide to help you with your decisions about your pledge for our next fiscal year. We hope you’ll take some time to review it, and don’t forget that if you’re able to increase your pledge at all from last year, we have an anonymous matching donation that will double your increase! Stay tuned for more information this month about how to show your commitment to our community through your pledge. 
Any questions? Contact Colleen Arnold at, or Kathy Wallcave at
Exercise Your Right to Vote! Looking for  a Few Good Delegates

The UU 5th principle is the  right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. It extends to the way we do business as an association of congregations. In addition to our ordained ministers MPUUC is allowed 2 voting delegates for General Assembly (GA). Though GA will take place in Providence, RI, June 24-28, delegates can participate and vote remotely.  
The MPUUC board invites any member  interested in representing our congregation or having any questions to contact Allysson McDonald ASAP. Earlybird registration ends soon. More GA info here 

Save the Date

Our Annual Camping Trip this year will be Friday, September
18 thru Sunday, September 20.

Jen King


Thank you to all MPUUC members who helped Youth Voter Movement with a very successful get out to vote.

Get Out To Vote Rally March 1 attended by about 100 students, Senator Bob Weickowski, Fremont Mayor Lily Mei, Fremont Board of Education President Desrie Campbell  and many others.

MPUUC members have written 285 non-partisan Get Out To Vote (GOTV) letters since the end of January!

Also, if there is interest, we can request postcards for those who want to write to people who have been taken off the voter rolls, thereby helping them get reinstated. Please contact Kathi if you are interested in writing more GOTV letters or anti voter suppression postcards. 
Mobile Hygiene Unit Collection     
March 15, 2020 at Sunday Service

MPUUC is conducting a collection for the Mobile Hygiene Unit at Niles Discovery Church (NDC).  NDC coordinates the Mobile Hygiene Unit at their location on Wednesday and Friday afternoons (1-4 pm.) NDC needs the following items for the Mobile Hygiene Unit.
Hygiene Kits
They need travel/hotel-sized toiletry items, bandaids, tooth brushes, tooth paste, small bottles of mouth wash that contain no alcohol, combs, hair brushes, razors, nail clippers, emery boards.
Items commonly requested
Underwear, socks, gloves (or mittens), combs, brushes. They especially need women’s underwear and socks.   (Underwear and socks should be new items). Also requested are blankets (may be gentled used and freshly laundered).  Keep in mind that their clients don’t have much storage space. 
The Justice Council will have a display at Service this Sunday, if you have questions about what is useful. More questions?  Speak to Valerie Stewart at Service or email her at

Turning Love Into Justice:
Attention Alameda County Voters

Please see attached link by clicking here for people from any faith tradition to write a letter to the White House opposing expansion of the Muslim ban. 

Please consider doing so.

Rev. Jo

Call your Elected Officials!  
Calls can make a difference! Contact your representatives to alert them to your views!

Congressperson Eric Swalwell 510-247-1388 or go to 
Ro Khanna  (202) 225-2631 
Senator Kamala Harris   (202) 224 – 3553
Senator Diane Feinstein (202) 224-3841

Mission Peak UU | 2950 Washington Blvd Fremont CA | 510.252.1477 |