Author: Graham Bell

▶️ Where the Light Gets In

Family – which is the origin of our work to forge a workable self-image – is, ideally, loving and supportive. Unfortunately, few of us live, exclusively, in an ideal world. So, it is rare that any of us escapes the entirety of our upbringing without a few cracks and chips in our self image. Some of us recognize – sometimes years later – that part of our ego or self image was bent or cracked in places. Often we inherit these imperfections from our caregivers who attempt to love us through their own imperfections. Our challenge is to recognize the blessings of these imperfections.

▶️ Power Versus Force

David Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. wrote a trilogy of books beginning in 1994 which explored the energy associated with consciousness. Employing techniques of measuring energy to definitive levels of consciousness, he revealed how different levels of consciousness – such as ‘shame,’ or ‘anger,’ or ‘courage,’ or ‘love,’ all possess inherent levels of energy. He proposed that when we bring a specific consciousness into any engagement, we also bring its commensurate energy (which is always felt by others). This service is designed to help us become more aware and intentional about the consciousness and the energy we bring into any interaction.

▶️ A Place within the Liminality of the World

Poet, philosopher, priest and scholar, John O’Donohue lived in County Clare, Ireland – a place he said had magical abilities. David Whyte is from Wales. They both understand and revere the truths of such lands and its peoples. They both help us open an entirely new world – a world between worlds – where it is possible to commune with the souls of ancestors and revel in ancient wisdom. O’Donohue’s book, Anam Cara (translated from the Gaelic as ‘Soul Friend’) helps us explore ways of letting go and holding on and reawakening a life giving connection with those who have left this world and live in another.

▶️ Animal Blessing

The bonds forged between human beings and our animal companions can often be the most compelling and powerful of all emotions and loyalties. Acts of cultivating these connections are among the greatest lessons available in our lifetimes. They require an open-heartedness, a selflessness, a shared – instead of a selfish – reality. Daring to open our hearts even after they’ve been broken is an act of transformational love. In this service we will name, honor and bless the animals that taught us to stretch to the bounds of our humanness.

▶️ Grief For Beginners

None of us know how to do it until we have to. We often go for years, giving what seems like good advice to everyone else who comes upon the unthinkable. But, suddenly, when we find ourselves – moments after a screaming match with mortality – needing a deeper wisdom, we forget what we we thought would get us through. Or, all that advice falls flat. Either way, we pick up that pamphlet that says, “Grief for Beginners.”

▶️ Why an 8th Principle

The 8th principle was developed and written by Paula Cole Jones and Bruce Pollack-Johnson, and they were to first to encourage the Unitarian Universalist Association to adopt it. This is a joint service with 5 other UU congregations.

▶️ Dragged Kicking and Screaming

On the 250th anniversary of John Murray washing up on the shore close to New Jersey. Thomas Potter believe that a prophet would arrive. He built a church and waited. What arrived was a weary man who wound up bringing the blessing and burden of Universalism.

▶️ How We Can All Help Keep it 100

Rev. Dr. Xolani Kacela is committed to honoring truth. One of the truths he knows, deeply, is what it means to serve. He has served in the U.S. military as a chaplain, served on the Ministerial Fellowship Committee with Rev. Greg, our UUA Nominating Committee and on our Commission on Appraisal. He is currently serving as minister of our Las Cruces, NM congregation. The other truth that he knows deeply, is the experience of being black in America – as well as being Black in Unitarian Universalism. He has recently completed two books: ‘The Black UU Survival Guide’ and ‘Jumpstart Your Allyship.’

▶️ Water Communion

This morning we will reflect on the role of water in our lives. We will explore how it is that the indispensable source and biproduct of life-giving processes is in such a precarious shortage. We will look at how water wields power and influence, as well as how it reveals graft and greed and moral corruption. We will consider how, historically, it has served as a barrier between nations and cultures. And we’ll explore how, in the future, it can serve as a bridge.