Author: Graham Bell

▶️ Growing ‘Yes’ Brain Souls

The service this Sunday is really special. MPUUC will have our first Child Dedication service in nearly 4 years. And we’ll have not only ONE child dedication, but THREE. Three families will bring their children and their promise to make MPUUC part of their lives. And they will ask for promises in return. Which brings up the question: What, exactly, do we promise when we accept the honor to dedicate ourselves to a child’s upbringing? And what is required to make good on such promises? In this service, created by Rev. Greg and Ariel Smith-Iyer, we will explore the work and commitment in creating a positive and loving place for learning.

▶️ Music at Mission Peak: A Harmonious Future

This service will explore the range of music possible as we transition to more live performances and, eventually, an expanded music program. Von Bringhurst, our new choir director, will lead the service, the choir will sing both in-person and virtually, and other Mission Peak musicians and musical groups will delight you with their live and virtual offerings. A magnificent celebration of our musical future at Mission Peak!

▶️ Real Self Care Beyond Bubble Bath

In a stressful world we all need to have self care. Something more than a bubble bath or fancy tea service, even a massage. True self care involves the kind of moves that keep the same stressors from continuing. It mey involve changes or setting limits or reframing one’s view of life. Not easy but true self care can open up new paths forward.

Mark Rahman will lead the service and assisting will be Worship Associate Rev. Barbara Meyers. Worship Host will be David Gibbons. Peak Performers and Peak Rocks will provide our music.


Though we Unitarian Universalists do not have any required or standard theology, we have our individual understandings of the divine. My understanding of divine began to develop in my youth, and has continued to grow and shift throughout my life. From studying many belief systems from many sources, I have realized that there are many meanings of the word GOD. As a result, I have concluded that I am an atheist, an agnostic, and a theist, all three, depending on which meaning of GOD is used. I will recount some of the GODs in which I do not believe, some concerning which I am uncertain, and what I do believe. MY GOD is abstract, consisting of the concepts of LOGIC, TRUTH and LOVE. My faith is that these can consistently guide my life.

▶️ UUA General Assembly 2023

General Assembly 2023 was eventful with a new UUA President selected, much work on Article II of the UUA bylaws, and some inspiring speeches. Come learn what is happening in your denomination.

▶️ Poetry – Love’s Longing to be Known

For almost 7 years a group of people from MPUUC have met twice a month (for the last three years there have been two groups) to read poetry. Reading poetry, as one poet once said, is like ‘opening your soul to 9 centimeters’. Longings, lament, wonder, wisdom, joy and sorrow spill out and are held by the group to see what meaning can be made. But, really, more than the words, we hold one another with our best attention. This service will have members of the poetry groups sharing the poems they think of when they think of Mission Peak.

▶️ The Sky is Falling! The Sky is Falling!

What is happening to our democracy? Banned books, the Dobb’s decision, the repeal of child labor laws, a flood of anti trans laws, and Florida’s most recent law prohibiting Chinese people from purchasing property in the state. All of this is dangerous, and damaging to democracy. Though recent word from TN supporting free speech was welcome news, the onslaught continues. How dangerous are things really?

▶️ The Silent Nest

There is a deep human need that’s met when we feel deeply connected to something truly valuable. We need to feel needed and essential to something larger than ourselves that, itself, is essential to the world. We’ve all probably spent times in our lives struggling with wondering about our place in the world and where, how and why we matter. In this service, beloved member Don Ramie will explore how this question played out in his life and how it helped him find his way to this Mission Peak community.

▶️ Our Living Tradition is Changing… Again?!?

One of the big changes that Unitarian Universalism has been considering at this week’s General Assembly is the process of changing Article II of our UUA bylaws. This is the section where our 7 Principles and Purposes are listed. MPUUC and nearly 300 other congregations have adopted an 8th Principle (which emphasizes the need to see everything through a lens of anti-racism and anti-oppression). Changing our Principles is significant. But not unprecedented. This service explores some different perspectives on how we got to this place in our Principles and how we might move forward.

▶️ Wisdom of Sages

Certain cultures, following ancient wisdom, suggest that there is a special wisdom that comes with time and experience. Many cultures put elders at the center of the community so that their insights and stories might help illuminate and prepare those paying attention how to cultivate more meaning from life. In this service we will hear from a number of our MPUUC Sages as they pass on some of their secrets of a good life.