Author: Graham Bell

▶️ Bird by Bird, Stone by Stone, Hand in Hand

Each of us has probably experienced the feeling of being abandoned and betrayed. In moments that mattered, we have had to imagine facing the world unprotected and alone. It is a scary sequence of thoughts that come when we have to piece together our own survival rather than the creative imagination that comes when we see ourselves as part of greater body. This is a sermon of what happens when we learn to see ourselves as part of something larger rather than settle for the rugged individualism our culture often promotes.

▶️ The Dawn of Everything

Why were Natives Peoples left out of history when I was growing up? How archaeologists and anthropologists’ new findings have flipped our Euro-centric views of the intellectual and political contributions of Indigenous peoples in the Americas.

▶️ Einstein’s Dilemma

In 1939 Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt explaining the possibility of a nuclear bomb. In 1945, after two of them were used to obliterate Japanese cities, he regretted the letter and began campaigning for international restrictions on nuclear weaponry. Unfortunately, though many more prominent voices have been raised, little has been accomplished to control the severe threat of nuclear weapons. Worship Leader Paul Davis, a retired physicist, will review the history of this problem, emphasize the current danger, and sketch what is and could be done.

▶️ Worship of General Assembly 2022

Every year, for 60 years now, UUs have come from all over the country to congregate in one city and celebrate the Good News of Unitarian Universalism. One of the best parts of General Assembly is the amazing worship that brings together some of the best and brightest preachers, musicians, choirs, etc. This year, General Assembly takes place in Portland OR. We will intersperse our own Welcome / announcements, Chalice Lighting, and Joys and Concerns with virtual video of the service. You don’t want to miss this service.

▶️ Words Matter

Everything we say, every way that we say it, every way that people can hear what we say has an effect on those around us. How that works is often outside our awareness of the communication that is taking place. Communication is a two way process in which we only vaguely know the other side. Today’s world is so divided and stressed that it is easy to cause pain and not be aware of it. What can we do to ease the path and maintain good relationship when we do cause pain?

▶️ This Machine

Roy Zimmerman is a musical, social satirist extraordinaire whose signature blend of heart and hilarity is so on point you will be laughing, smiling, nodding your head and clapping your hands. Roy’s songs have been heard on HBO and Showtime, he has shared the stage with musical and comedic luminaries like Robin Williams, Ellen DeGeneres, Arlo Guthrie, Bill Maher, Holly Near, John Oliver, George Carlin and others. ​Joni Mitchell says, “Roy’s lyrics move beyond poetry and achieve perfection.” His videos have garnered hundreds of millions of views. This service will be a musical social commentary you will NOT want to miss.

▶️ Our Country: In Sickness and in Health — A Seventy-Year Perspective

With so many things going terribly wrong in this country, it’s easy to lose sight of our strengths. Today we will consider the long-term progress our nation has made, looking for signs of health and hope. Before the service, you may want to ask yourself what you think of as America’s greatest strengths, and how these can help us through our current crises. Our worship leader will be Rev. Chris Schriner, Minister Emeritus at MPUUC. Paul Davis will be our worship associate, and Rev. Barbara Meyers will offer a reflection. Jo Ann Schriner and Knuti VanHoven will provide our music.

▶️ MPUUC for a Change

This is a service based on the music that has moved us. It is a great blessing to have music that moves us. It’s an even greater blessing to be able to make music that moves us. This is a service from our music makers about the particular songs that they have brought into our worship services that meant something special. We will hear the music as well as the stories about making it that rendered that music as memorable or special.

▶️ Juneteenth

Known to some as the country’s “second Independence Day,” Juneteenth celebrates freedom. Not just the freedom of folks who assumed they were free, but what it might feel like if ALL people were free. The news that enslaved people would be freed after the civil war, took a long time in reaching some communities – especially where enslaved folks were reliant on their enslavers to tell them. On June 19, 1865 news reached the far outpost of Galveston TX. On June 17, 2021, it became a Federal Holiday.