Backpack Drive

Mission Peak UU is collaborating with Fremont First United Methodist Church (FUMC) to help Abode with their back pack drive. This year we will help 25 kids feel better prepared to start a fresh year of school by providing them with a new backpack full of supplies, including a new t-shirt and socks. These youngsters are part of 14 families in Abode’s rapid re-housing program. Please visit this SignUpGenius to see what supplies are needed and purchase what you can. These can be dropped off at Cole Hall in the box labeled “Backpack Drive”, placed near the Joys and Concerns table, any Sunday between now and July 30th. All donations must be received by the morning of Saturday August 5th, which is the MPUUC Spit and Polish Party (facility beautification party) from 9:30-11:30. 

If you want to help but can not purchase supplies to be dropped at Cole Hall, be in touch with Ariel about how you can support this effort, Our plan is to join together with FUMC on Sunday August 6th, after the service, with all the necessary backpacks and supplies on the tables. We will fill each backpack and label it with the name of the child it is being put together for. All backpacks will be delivered to Abode on the following Monday.