Therapies can complement and facilitate each other.

  • Medication can facilitate other therapies because it can give the ability to concentrate and cooperate in other activities
  • Psychotherapy can accomplish what drugs cannot – It can allow a lasting change in fundamental underlying beliefs and feelings.
  • Behavioral therapy can establish patterns of beneficial activity, reinforcing insights learned in psychotherapy.

Peer Support activities can complement traditional therapies

  • Receiving support from others who have had similar problems can be very helpful because they’ve been there. What worked for them may work for you.
  • Giving support to others can enhance self-esteem
  • Participation in networks and in advocacy on behalf of oneself or others is empowering
  • Recent federally-sponsored research shows that people who augment traditional medical therapies with peer support activities, such as drop-in centers, report significantly better well-being than those using only traditional medical therapies.
  • Conflict with traditional therapy is usually over:
    • Forced treatment including forced hospitalization and forced medication
    • Disagreement by some with the medical model of mental health care treatment

Recovery Model activities give more control over life

  • Learning how to monitor one’s triggers and early warning signs can make relapse less frequent.
  • Deciding ahead of time what kind of treatment to have is empowering and enhances self-esteem
  • Address as many dimensions of recovery as possible