1. Have you known someone who has had mental health problems, other than Alzheimer’s, as an older adult? If so, tell us about the circumstances, what helped, what didn’t help, etc.
  2. In the show, it was brought out that some of the factors that cause disorders to crop up in older people are:
    • Spouse dying – grief
    • Health problems
    • Financial problems
    • Loss of role in society

    What are your thoughts about these causes and why they might be more prevalent in older people?

  3. Arthur described a program especially for senior citizens that he participated in. What about that program was specifically for people who were older?
  4. Arthur got a whole new lease on life from his experience. What do you think most helpful in his transformation? Would that be transformational to you? Do you have to be old to experience it?
  5. If you or a loved one experiences mental problems as an older adult, what can you do to advocate for the best treatment?
  6. How can you learn more about senior citizen mental health?
  7. The relative size of the senior citizen population will grow rapidly in the next several decades as the baby boomers age. What do you think about the challenges that this will place on the mental health system?
  8. How are you preparing yourself and your loved ones for the time when you become older and perhaps can’t make all the decisions necessary for your physical and mental health?

For resources see: Resources Mentioned in the Show

These questions are to provide family and peer discussion and education. The information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. If you think someone is too fragile to be part of the discussion, please have them consult their mental health care provider for individual advice regarding the situation.