Highlights from the March Board meeting

Highlights from the March Board meeting:

  • The Board spoke with Jan Christian, our PCD liaison, about the Interim Minister search process.  She walked us through the process, including timelines and expectations.  We also talked a little bit about the Settled Minister search process, including the role of a Transitions Coach from the UUA and the benefits to having one.  After the discussion with Jan the Board officially voted to hire an Interim Minister and also voted to hire a Transitions Coach.
  • We received an update on the DRE search.  The Search Committee has listed the position in numerous places and has received a few promising applications.
  • The Ministry Council has coordinated with the Fremont Chamber of Commerce to participate in Earth Day 2017 on April 22 at Washington Hospital.  We will hand out the posters that Beckett Gladney made to highlight climate change issues and there will be a craft for children.  More information to come!
  • Because of tasks associated with the DRE and Interim Minister Searches, the Board will be meeting in April.  With the new Council governance format, April was originally scheduled for Council meetings, and not a Board meeting.  The April Board meeting will be on April 11 at 7 pm at Michealle Havenhill’s house.
You may contact any Board member for additional information.