Me and White Supremacy

“Me and White Supremacy” is a 28-day guide to examining our internal and usually unconscious attitudes towards race and racism. Each day tackles a different aspect of white supremacy and privilege, and ends with reflective journaling prompts to help us integrate the information.

Using The Circle Way facilitation guide in the book as a starting point, Colleen Arnold will host a series of 4 weekly Zoom meetings starting the last week of June (week of 6/29/20 – if everyone gets the book quickly, it may start sooner) to discuss our reactions and what we’re learning. The work is designed for white people, and although BIPOC are invited and welcomed as observers, they will not be expected to do emotional labor or be asked to shoulder any burden of explaining the material. 

NOTE: The book appears to be back-ordered at the publishers, so you may have to purchase the Kindle version for $8.57. This version can be read on a computer or mobile device. If you still want to purchase the hardcover, you might consider supporting a black-owned independent bookseller such as Marcus Books in Oakland. 

Please email Colleen at with your name and the best day/evening of the week to meet for you. She will choose the one that holds the most availability.