New Ministry Start Up on Saturday

New Ministry Start Up – THIS SATURDAY 9:00am – 12:00pm – for all members and friends

Mission Peak UU is excited about selecting Rev. Greg to be our new Settled Minister.  But it’s important to realize, we have more than a new minister… we have a new ministry!  Rev. Greg is different than Rev. Jo or Rev. JD or Rev. Jeremy or Rev. Chris.  AND we are in different times – and are a different community – than we were in the past.  This is a conversation about partnering well.  About checking our assumptions of what’s most important.  Clarifying who is doing what and what is most important.  Melissa James, our Pacific Western Region Staff liaison will lead us through a conversation which will be interesting, amusing, informative and helpful for Rev. Greg and everyone who loves Mission Peak UU.

Link to join Zoom Meeting

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