Discussion Questions for OCD
- The main messages of the show are:
- There are therapies that work to treat OCD
- Your own negative beliefs about yourself can be the toughest roadblocks
- Lifestyle and attitude changes can help
- You can help other people by speaking out
Which of these messages resonate with you? Explain.
- Do you know anyone who is living with OCD? In what way does it manifest itself? Is there anything you can do to help this person?
- Dr. Racklin said that a family member or friend should not offer to participate in the illness by say, checking for the person who compulsively checks things. Why do you think this isn’t a good idea?
- Both guests said that talk and insight therapy are not effective for OCD. Why do you think that is the case?
- What do you think of Cognative Behavioral Therapy as described in the show for treatment of OCD?
- The latest treatments for OCD involve having the person focus on activities that are personally meaningful. Why do you think this works?
- What do you think of portrayals of OCD in the TV (ex: Obsession) and in movies (ex: As Good As It Gets)? Do these give a helpful message to viewers? Do you think they need to change in some way? If so, how?
- For local resources see: Resources Mentioned in the Show
These questions are to provide family and peer discussion and education. The information is for educational purposes only. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. If you think someone is too fragile to be part of the discussion, please have them consult their mental health care provider for individual advice regarding the situation.