Refugia Worship

Email Ariel at for more information about Mission Peak UU’s involvement.
seeking shelter, wonder, and healing of the earth
June 24th, 2:00 pm at UCCF
Refugia (reh-FU-jee-ah) is a biological term describing places of shelter where life endures in times of crisis, such as a volcanic eruption, fire, or stressed climate. Ideally, these refugia endure, expand, and connect so that new life emerges.
In this interfaith worship we want to create refugia: a space of refuge and hope. We will lament — passionately express our anger and grief. We will take time to reconnect with the earth. We will provide a way to act on an issue in the climate emergency. We will pray and sing.
Our worship leaders come from the United Church of Christ, Unitarian Universalists, Disciples of Christ, Swedenborgian, Episcopal, and Pagan traditions.
United Church of Christ Fremont | 38255 Blacow Rd | RSVP to
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