Spirituality and mental health:

  • Spirituality Competency Resource Center This is the website of Dr. David Lukoff.
    Free on-line classes:

    • Ethical Issues in Spiritual Assessment
    • DSM-IV Religious and Spiritual Problems
    • Meditation and Mental Health
    • Spirituality and Recovery from Mental Disorders

    Pointers to many on-line resources on spirituality and mental health

  • Spiritual Emergence Network
  • Scottish Recovery Network This website has stories of recovery from mental illness. Some of them involve spirituality.

Faith Community Resources:

  • FaithNet NAMI These are faith-based resources from the website of the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
  • Methodist Mental Health Ministries This is the website of Rev. Susan Gregg-Schroeder, a Methodist minister specializing in mental health issues.
  • Unitarian Universalist Mental Health Ministry This is Rev. Barbara Meyers’ website. Information about the curriculum “The Caring Congregation Handbook” and the TV Show “Mental Health Matters – Alameda County” are on this website.
  • Pathways to Promise A website with many mental health resources for ministers and other faith community leaders.