1. What kinds of stressors in Rev. Byron Williams life led to his mental illness diagnosis?
  2. Ultimately, the changes that Byron made in his life as a result of recovering from his mental illness resulted in a life that has been much more meaningful for him and influential in the world. Can you think of other people you have heard of who have had similar positive changes in their lives as a result of a serious challenge?
  3. Byron made a decision to have an unconventional split career: minister and journalist.
    • What do you think gave him the courage to make this decision?
    • Can you think of someone else who has created an unusual career?
    • Have you ever thought you might like to do something unconventional with your life/career? If so, what would you like to do, have done? What stopped you, what is stopping you?
  4. Why do you think that African American men in particular have higher rates of mental health problems than the population as a whole?
    • What do you think are the roles of racism, violence, poverty, availability of good care, or stigma?
    • Do you think that sometimes clergy have played a negative role when trying to help a parishioner with mental health problems? If so, what can be done about this?
  5. Is there anything that you can do to help make mental illness less serious a problem?
    • For a particular person, or
    • to help change the parts of the system for the community at large?
