Speaker: Alex "Robert" Jensen

Who is Your Neighbor? [video & pdf]

The Parable of the Good Samaritan is perhaps one of Jesus’ most well-known parables. One of the lesser known themes in this story is what Jesus has to teach us about interfaith acceptance. This morning we’ll look at this parable for what it might mean to us, as Unitarian Universalists who seek truth and meaning across many faiths and traditions.

Peace on the Homefront: The Moral Injuries of Our Veterans

What are moral injuries that result from war? What can civilians do to better support those who suffer from them? This Sunday, Jan. 8, we will explore the history of moral injury, understanding it as a construct, and implications it may have towards unpacking some of the invisible wounds from war. Join us as we make space to travel humbly with our nation’s veterans on their full journey home from war.