Speaker: Mission Peak Youth

A UU Youth Bake Off [video]

The MPUUC Youth group will be bringing you insight and delight in the form of a cooking show experience. Prepare yourselves for The Great UU Bake Off!

We are transitioning to virtual services starting March 15, 2020 because of the Coronavirus pandemic. Click on service for more information.

Youth Vision

As we close out this month’s theme of vision, come hear the Mission Peak UU youth speak to their vision about our community, their future and where ever the word vision takes them.

Music & UU Principles

This year the youth group have been exploring how music and our UU principles are related. Come search for truth and meaning in music through out the decades and see if you can find our principles in lyric. Also we will celebrate our youth who completed OWL this year and honor Julia Steele as she Bridges

Our Journey Together

Come to our annual youth led service. The youth have been on a journey of learning spiritual practices this year. And their journey has led to many inside jokes. Come learn a few and laugh with us.
Also, the youth will be taking a collection for LGBTQ Youth Space.