This Week on the Peak

This Week on the Peak – Wednesday, April 12, 2017

This Week on the Peak
Mission Peak UU – Fremont, CA
The Home of Liberal Religion in the Tri-Cities and Beyond!
April 12, 2017


Rev. Jeremy D. Nickel
You know how good you feel that first morning when you wake up healthy after being really sick for a few days?  Because your recent memories remain clouded by the horribleness of not feeling well, to simply feel basically normal again is like a revelation.


I imagine it must be kind of like what the earth feels like in spring after a long winter.  Not the kind of winter we have here, but the kinds I was used to as a kid.  Mounds of snow a foot deep until March.  Finally, one day, the clouds part, and the sun works its life giving magic and once again the world bursts into life.


That is where I am today as I write this, finally limping away from a hard won battle with some kind of terrible virus or flu. And it feels just about the perfect place to be as I contemplate this Sundays’s flower communion service and its many splendid colors and smells.


Similarly, it feels like the right place to be as I contemplate the recent events in our larger denominational world, in which our UUA President Peter Morales resigned three months short of completing his term, and currently we are being led by a very un-Unitarian (but well chosen!) trinity of co-Presidents.


I hope you can join me in Cole Hall this Sunday, when I will weave it all together to bring a message that I hope will very much honor the original intent of the Flower Communion ritual (please bring a flower of your own if you can!), as well as the present day circumstances of our spiritual home.


Finally, I was unable to hold my scheduled community office hours this week, but rescheduled them for tomorrow (or possibly today or yesterday depending on when you finally read this!) Thursday, April 13 from 10 AM – 12 PM at Slap Face Coffee and Tea on Fremont Blvd.  I hope to see you there!


Yours in the unfolding,

Rev. Jeremy D. Nickel

Minister of Mission Peak UU Congregation
Fremont, CA.
Cell: 510.936.1632

Preferred appointment times: Tue-Thur


My preferred pronouns are “He” “Him” and “His” please feel welcome to share yours with me.

Available by appt all days except Monday


This Sunday’s Service:
Bursting into Bloom
Annual Flower Communion
Reginald Zottoli wrote “The significance of the flower communion is that
as no two flowers are alike, so no two people are alike, yet each has a contribution to make. Together the different flowers form a beautiful
bouquet. Our common bouquet would not be the same without the unique
addition of each individual flower, and thus it is with our church
community: it would not be the same without each and every one of us.
Thus this service is a statement of our community.”
Come join us as we once again celebrate the gorgeous bouquet of our diversity. And don’t forget to bring some flowers from your garden or maybe the local farmers market!


Leading the service will be Rev. Jeremy D. Nickel and Worship Associate Sharon Davis.  Music will be
provided by Peak Rocks. 
A Beacon of Hope, Sanctuary in the Storm
Our Spring Canvass Season is wrapping up, and most of you should have been contacted by a Canvass Ambassador by now.  We have all really enjoyed talking with one another, and discussing our dreams for our congregation’s future. So many of our community members have pledged to raise their donations, when possible. This makes our plans for the coming year much more attainable. Thank you so much for your generosity!


If you have not yet been contacted by a canvass ambassador, and would like to meet one of us, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Just email Natalie at
and we can start the process.

In the next couple of weeks, we will pull together the final tally, and let everyone know how our budget is looking for the upcoming hear. Thanks to everyone for all you do for Mission Peak.

Worship Associate Training
Are you a good story teller? Do you enjoy speaking in front of people? Have you ever considered that you may have something to add to the worship at Mission Peak UU? If so, please also consider joining Rev. Jeremy and some of our veteran Worship Associates after the service on
Sunday, April 30 to learn what the role entails.  There is no commitment necessary to come to this event, just check it out and see what you think. If you are interested please RSVP to before
Sunday, April 23.
Save the Dates for this year’s Denominational coming events
2017 Pacific Central District Assembly
will be held May 5-6 at

Mt. Diablo Unitarian Universalist Church
in Walnut Creek, CA.
Advance registration
is open through April 22.
Cost is $65 which includes breakfast and lunch.
Highlights of Saturday’s activities include a forum featuring all three
UUA Presidential Candidates
, workshops (on social justice, spiritual practices, and membership integration), worship, and fellowship. Registrants will also attend to the important business of the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Central District. Religious professionals will want to also bring their full staff team to Friday’s
Staff Development Day.
For details about the full weekend, go to:

If you are interested in serving as one of our congregation’s delegates for the district meeting please contact Rev. Jeremy.

Baseball Sunday Fundraiser
This year our annual Baseball
Sunday celebration will be
Sunday, June 18 which is also Father’s Day.  What better way to celebrate than an afternoon at a baseball game?  We will be heading south this year to see the San Jose Giants play the Visalia Rawhide at
1:00 pm. And it’s not just a fun baseball afternoon, it’s also a chance to support Mission Peak!! We’re making this event a fundraiser and for each $12 ticket we sell we get to keep $5. What could be easier? So invite all your friends and family for a fun, family friendly afternoon at the ballpark and support Mission Peak at the same time.  We have an initial lot of 75 tickets, but can get more if we sell out.  Jen King will have tickets available most Sundays, but is also willing to mail out tickets.  Please make all checks out to MPUUC.  If you have any questions or want to order tickets, please contact Jen King at 510-299-2825.
Carpenter Needed
Our beloved Candle Table has a boo-boo and need
s the help of a skilled carpenter.  If that is you, please contact Rev. Jeremy by
clicking here
Opportunity to Serve!
Nominations for Ministerial Search Committee – The Board is now accepting nominations for MPUUC members who would like to be on the search committee to identify our next minister. If you are interested in being on the search committee you can ask someone to nominate you or you can nominate yourself. If you think someone would be a good fit for the search committee then please nominate them. All nominations are due by April 21. Once the nominations are closed the Board will hold informational meetings to let the nominees know what exactly is involved in being on the Search committee and nominees can indicate if they are still willing to be considered for the committee. The Board will then select the Ministerial Search Committee from those nominees willing to serve. Nominations should be sent via email to Jen King by April 21. If you have any questions please feel free to contact: Jen King, Melissa Holmes, or Michealle Havenhill

You are welcome to a special exhibit!
The Welcome Home Project at the John O’ Lague Galleria in Hayward City Hall. 
May 26-July 28th, 2017. Opening night will be June 9th from 5:30-7:30 PM. A panel will feature several of the participants in the Welcome Home Project. Refreshments will be served.
The Welcome Home Project exhibit is a powerful and compelling collection of  photographs and stories of formerly incarcerated Alameda County residents that have turned their lives around after many years of involvement with the criminal justice system. The photographer, Ruth Morgan, is a nationally acclaimed local photographer and her work was in the The Sentence Unseen show on Alcatraz. The
Project Coordinator,
Micky Duxbury,
is an
author and  the interviewer/editor of the stories. The Welcome Home Project humanizes the formerly incarcerated while adding a deeper understanding of the challenges of reentry.
These stories are testimony to the power of resilience, hope, and determination in the face of the barriers that most formerly incarcerated individuals face.
House for Rent
Former members Doug and Nancy Marshall are looking for a house to rent in late August (
Aug. 23 to 28) for their son’s wedding in the South Bay. Anything from Fremont or south would work.  If you have any leads, please email Doug at
Community Office Hours
Rev. Jeremy’s upcoming dates

I am always interested in suggestions for new places, times and ways that this could work better for you, so if you have an idea, please drop me a line, it is as easy as
clicking right here. And of course I am also always available by personal appointment all days except Monday.

Thursday, April 13
10AM – 12 PM
Slap Face Coffee and Tea
37324 Fremont Blvd



Thursday, April 27
4:30 – 6:30PM
Mission Coffee
151 Washington Blvd


Mission Peak UU | 2950 Washington Blvd Fremont CA | 510.252.1477 |