This Week on the Peak

This Week on the Peak – Wednesday, December 4, 2019
This Week on the Peak
Mission Peak UU – Fremont, CA
The Home of Liberal Religion in the Tri-Cities and Beyond!
December 4, 2019

For those whom I haven’t met yet, my name is Linda Messia and I am the acting Chair of the Adult Education Committee, having previously served as Chair for 5 years. I am also Chair of the Small Group Ministry Committee and a member of the Leadership Development Committee. My husband Len Tiemann and I joined Mission Peak in 2010 and have been actively involved ever since. Fellow Adult Ed committee members are Eric Dittmar and Len Tiemann. Former member John Porter very graciously creates the class brochure. We offer a variety of classes, workshops and seminars which we hope will nurture and stimulate the spiritual and personal growth of our adult church community. Classes are held in the fall, winter and spring. Members and their friends and family are welcome to attend. We also welcome those who have ideas and/or would like to teach or join our committee. Our Winter brochure is coming out this week; we will be taking signups after the next few Sunday services. If you have questions or would like to sign up online, email me at I hope to see many of you in our classes!  
Linda Messia
This Sunday’s Service:

Something About God 
If God did come down to Earth, if there was a God, would they look like us? Do we actually see God in each other? If not, how can we see the Divine in every human being? This month Mystery is our theme and we will explore how Divine and Holy Entities have given hope and faith to so many in times of need, how it has failed, and why humans search for a Divine Presence in their lives.
Rev. Jo Green will lead the service and assisting will be Worship Associate Rev. Barbara Meyers. Jay Steele will provide our music.
Food for Plates through Share the Plate in December!

Actually, our donations in December will help Tri-City Volunteers (TCV) pay for rent and utilities at their local food bank. Be prepared to put cash or a check made out to Mission Peak UU Congregation on the collection plate on Sunday, December 8, and we’ll pass on the total amount to TCV! If you wish to make a payment towards your pledge, please note that in the memo line, and we’ll keep that amount separate.
Parent’s Night Out

Want a night away from your kids? Haven’t been on a date in decades? Need to run errands without interruption? Come leave your children with Rev. Jo, myself, and some incredible volunteers! We will be providing food, a movie, and some other activities to occupy your children while you do whatever you need to do! We will be charging a small fee of $25 a kid with a discounted rate of $20 for MPUUC kids! That being said we do not turn away anyone for lack of funds! Contact Shawn at to discuss!
Please follow this link registration form
to register your kiddo! We will take registration forms until noon on December 12th!  Click here for flyer.  
Alumni Holiday Party
December 24th 3pm-5pm in Ockerman Room 1 
We love seeing our young adults and adults back for the holiday season! We will be hosting a cookies and hot chocolate gathering before the Christmas Eve Service on Dec. 24th at 3pm. I and a few of our wonderful teachers will be gathered to celebrate the holidays with our RE alumni! We have a small gift for all of our alumni and will be taking a picture before the service.  Please click here for flyer. 
Shawn Snavley
Upcoming Events

The holiday season is upon us and we have some fun upcoming events.  The first is our Holiday Potluck & Fun Fest to be held in Cole Hall on Saturday, December 7 at 6:00 p.m.  Please come and bring food to share. It doesn’t have to be homemade. However, if you are looking for ideas for what to bring why not bring a family holiday favorite.  At the Holiday Potluck & Fun Fest we will have leftovers from the Black & White boutique for your holiday shopping pleasure.  It’s a great way to let your kids do some shopping for teachers, grandparents, etc.  We will also be decorating a Christmas tree, doing crafts, decorating gingerbread houses, and singing Christmas Karaoke. Come along, bring friends, and celebrate whatever holiday makes your spirit sparkle. 
After the holidays we all need something to look forward to and the revival of Mission Peak’s Talent Showcase (a.k.a. Sunday Salon) is just the thing.  The Talent Showcase will be held in Cole Hall on Saturday, February 8 from 3:00-6:00 p.m. Do you tell jokes? Recite poems? Sing? Act? Play an instrument? Perform magic? If so, we want you to sign up to share your talent with us.  Kids are welcome and encouraged to participate. Sign-ups will start Sunday, December 1 after the service.  Accompanists are available upon request and Knuti Van Hoven is available as a stage/voice coach (for a small donation to MPUUC). This is a great chance to share what you love with the rest of Mission Peak.  We will even have space set aside to display physical artwork such as paintings, drawings, pottery, knitting, mosaics, etc. We hope that many of you will choose to participate.
Adult Education
The Adult Education Committee will be offering the following
classes for the 2020 Winter Quarter. Please see the brochure
for more information.

1. Meditation & Dharma (Eric Dittmar)

Thursdays 7 – 9 pm

Jan 9 & 16; Feb 13 & 27; Mar 12 & 26


2. Poems (John & Jackie Porter)

Mondays 7 – 9 pm
Jan 13 & 27; Feb 10 & 24; Mar 9 & 23

3. Enneagram: Defense Mechanisms (Linda Messia)

Tuesdays 7 – 9 pm
Jan 14 & 28; Feb 11 & 25; Mar 10 & 24

4. Spiritual Literacy (John & Jackie Porter)

Sundays 6 – 8 pm
Jan 5 & 19; Feb 2 & 16; Mar 1 & 15

5. Sing-a-long (Jackie Porter & Jo Ann Schriner)

Sunday 7 – 9 pm
Jan 12

6. “Just Mercy” Discussion (Allysson McDonald)

Sunday 11:30 am – 1:00 pm
Guest At Your Table

Last Sunday we introduced the Guest at Your Table program that UUSC does every year. If you didn’t receive a box on that day, we have some in the office and you can contact Rev. Jo to get one for your table. GAYT is UUSC’s annual intergenerational program to raise support for and awareness about various issues and this year they are focusing on helping advance women-led human rights initiatives around the world.
Guest at Your Table gifts of $125 or more are eligible to be matched dollar for dollar by the UU Congregation at Shelter Rock. Take advantage of this special matching gift today!
You can learn more about Guest at Your Table at
Rev Jo Green
Put a Smile on a Child’s Face!

In conjunction with our share the plate offering in December, we will also be collecting new toys for the TriCity Volunteers’ Toy Party. See the attached flier for the  wish list and bring a new unwrapped toy to the service on either December 8 or December 15.
Board Briefs

The Mission Peak UU board met on Nov. 14th.
The board voted to:
*    Appoint Allie King be the chair of the Asylum Seeker support project.
*    Approve a draft settled minister contract for the search committee to use
*    Agreed on the final wording of our board covenant

We also announced the following
*    The executive team Week on the Peak editorial policy is posted at
*    Justice Council meeting: Dec 8th 11:30AM in office
*    Ministry Council meeting:  Dec. 3, 7:30PM in office
*    Operations/Personnel Council meeting: Dec. 10, 7:30PM, Steve’s house

For complete board minutes of previous meeting go to the members only section of our web site at

Our next board meeting is on Dec 19th at 7:15PM at Allysson’s house.

For more details or questions email
Mission Peak Wish List

Color Printer for the office
Wardrobe Stand
Video Camera  
Printer Desk 
Please contact Rev. Jo or Sandra if you can help with these items for the office.
Thank you. 

Turning Love Into Justice:
The Tri-City Interfaith Council ( is a grass-roots organization bringing together people of diverse religious beliefs from Fremont, Newark, and Union City (California). Rev. Jo Green, Rev. Barbara Meyers and Paul K. Davis are members.  Join in!  
Join the Interfaith council as we stand together for the
Call your Elected Officials!  
Calls can make a difference! Contact your representatives to alert them to your views!

Congressperson Eric Swalwell 510-247-1388 or go to 
Ro Khanna  (202) 225-2631 
Senator Kamala Harris   (202) 224 – 3553
Senator Diane Feinstein (202) 224-3841
What is Shifting in You: From “Fear” to “Faith”

By Rev. Sarah Gibb Millspaugh

What would Unitarian Universalism be like if we lived from our faith  more than we lived from our fears ? And when I say “we,” I mean each of us, and each of our UU institutions. What would we be like if our minds, our hearts, our spirits shifted from fear  to faith ?

This is an open question that we on Pacific Western Region staff are asking of ourselves and our congregations. It’s one of the seven shifts that we are fostering in Unitarian Universalism. ( click here for rest of article.)

Reverend Jo Green
Poor People’s Campaign

Join the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival in San Francisco for its California stop of the national We Must Do M.O.R.E. tour. Be part of this faith-rooted, intersectionality-minded movement for collective liberation as we mobilize, organize, register, and educate.  Be a part of the UU contingent with UUJMCA and California UUs by signing up on the UUJMCA event or emailing us at Find out more information about the M.O.R.E. tour from the Poor People’s Campaign by visiting their  event pageUUJMCA will also be holding a webinar before the December 11 event to connect folks who’d like to know more about the Poor People’s Campaign and how to stay engaged. Sign up for our event on Facebook or email us to get the details when they are finalized!   
Reverend Jo Green
Calendar of Kindness

This Calendar of Kindness was posted in a group I am in and I wanted to share it with you.

The Advent of Kindness – what a wonderful way to celebrate this month.

Rev Jo

Mission Peak UU | 2950 Washington Blvd Fremont CA | 510.252.1477 |