This Week on the Peak

This Week on the Peak – Wednesday, February 26, 2020
This Week on the Peak
Mission Peak UU – Fremont, CA
The Home of Liberal Religion in the Tri-Cities and Beyond!
February 26, 2020

MPUUC partnering with UUtheVOTE and the Youth Voter Movement (YVM)
Last Sunday Mission Peak met Rev. Ranwa Hammamy, the Director of the UU Justice Ministry of California. She gave the sermon as our guest and stayed to meet with members and community partners who are involved in our Get Out the Vote (GOTV) commitment.
MPUUC locally has partnered with the Youth Voter Movement, a project of the local League of Women Voters, to register local Youth to Vote for over two years. We are continuing this partnership into the rest of 2020 with GOTV Rallies and more registration events in time for the November General election .  
On Sunday March 1, YVM and MPUUC is sponsoring a GOTV RALLY at the Fremont Library, 2500 Stevenson Blvd., 1-3 PM, ending with a MARCH to the Ballot Box. (Click here for flyer) Students will act to stifle voter suppression with postcard and phone bank drives, voicing concerns with local electeds, registering voters, and making posters for the mile march to City Hall to mail primary ballots and postcards. To volunteer RSVP at Youth Voter Movement -Events on FB.
Participating in our democracy is all about our fifth principle.   MPUUC is now able to develop more resources for this important work through the UUA initiative UUtheVote.
UU the Vote is a non-partisan faith initiative to engage our neighbors, educate our communities, mobilize voters, and rally around key ballot initiatives. All through 2020 the UUA is supporting congregations and UU organizations in activating thousands of Unitarian Universalists to mobilize for electoral justice at the local, state and national levels. Unitarian Universalists have a legacy of working to expand democracy and to shape a world in which all people are free and flourishing. From our work for marriage equality, women’s suffrage, the abolition of slavery, for civil and voting rights, to advocating for a path to citizenship for immigrants, to taking on the ‘New Jim Crow’ and white supremacy today. 
Rev. Ranwa, as the Director of the UUJMCA is one of the UUA State Action Networks (SANs) that are state-level coordinating groups for local and statewide efforts to UUtheVote. Sign-up for more information at We can strategize with partner organizations to assess where UUs can have the most impact, provide training and opportunities for engaging in voter outreach as part of ongoing and stepped-up advocacy, and organize for justice. MPUUC is grateful to have made the connection to become part of a statewide strategy.
You can learn more by visiting the website and reading about this important initiative. and join the Facebook group to follow the development of the initiative. You must have a Facebook account to participate. Ask to join at the link above and enter the group to share articles, discuss news, and ask questions.
There is much to do and we invite everyone to participate in anyway they can. Talk to a member of the Justice Council for more information. 

Valerie Stewart
This Sunday’s Service:

Generosity With Each Other
Those times when we don’t feel very generous can put us in an irritable mood. When we are feeling grumpy and deprived, having another person there for support can help. Our theme this month is generosity and we are also looking at creating a covenant. How do these two qualities relate to each other? How do they encompass our Seven Principles? Join us this Sunday as we explore generosity in ourselves and covenanting with others.  
Rev. Jo Green will lead the service and assisting will be Worship Associate Mark Rahman. Peak Performers will provide our music.
Mission Peak UU on Facebook
Mission Peak UU uses social media as a communications and publicity tool. Our Facebook Page is for the public – it shares our programs, principals, and values with the world – think of the Page as advertising. The Mission Peak UU Group, on the other hand, is a private group for members and friends of MPUUC only. We share more internal information and you can react and comment, unlike reading an article in the Week on the Peak! Here’s the link to the group – you’ll be asked a couple of questions about your association with MPUUC before you’re approved to join. Hope to see you there! (please click here for more information.)
Allysson McDonald
White Fragility Book Discussion

The second of three discussion sessions on the book White Fragility will be held on Saturday, February 29 from 10:00 a.m.- 12:00 p.m..

It will be held in Ockerman 7/8.  If you missed the first session, please know you are welcome to attend these last two sessions.  We had 20 members attend in our first session with a deep and meaningful discussion by all.  Please feel free to ask Rev. Jo Green any questions you may have.  We would love to see you attend.

Save the Date! Mark Your Calendars!

Do you like to have fun with some great people? If you answered yes, you’ll be happy to know that the MPUUC Annual Canvass event will be held on Saturday, March 28. Mark your calendar! More information will follow.

We are in the process of rejuvenating the Pastoral Associates committee.  I, Rev. Barbara Meyers, and Melody Yamaguchi met and discussed the process and future of this committee and it’s very exciting that they have agreed to be Co-Chairs of this committee!  We will be holding a general meeting for those who are interested in being on the committee or members of the Caring Circle on
Sunday, March 8th after Coffee Hour after the service around 11:45 a.m.  in the MPUUC Office.

The purpose of the Pastoral Associates committee is to extend the care of the church, through one-to-one caring and helping activities by lay members of the congregation to those who are in special need.  This is pastoral care – a ministry of presence and support, not pastoral counseling – which requires counseling certification.  It is a way to reach out to this congregation and to be of service.  As Edward Everett Hale says:
I am only one
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. 
Please consider attending this meeting on Sunday March 8th after the service around 1145 a.m. in the MPUUC Office.  It could be the one thing you can do.
Blessings to all,
Rev. Jo

General Assembly 2020

Housing reservations for General Assembly open on Monday, March 2nd. Early bird registration costs are in effect until March 15. So, if you’re thinking about attending this year’s UUA’s General Assembly in Providence, Rhode Island from June 24 to 28th it’s time to start looking over the information on their website at    It is also possible to attend remotely and even serve as a delegate remotely.


Help encourage high school and college students to vote on March 3rd
RSVP at on Facebook 
When: Sunday, March 1 between 1- 3 PM 
Where: FREMONT Main library Fukaya Room B 

MPUUC members have written 260 non-partisan Get Out To Vote (GOTV) letters since the end of January!

Also, if there is interest, we can request postcards for those who want to write to people who have been taken off the voter rolls, thereby helping them get reinstated. Please contact Kathi if you are interested in writing more GOTV letters or anti voter suppression postcards. 
Urgent Need: Temporary Housing for Asylum Seeker in Fremont, CA

MPUUC’s Asylum Seeker Accompaniment Team is looking for temporary (3-6 months) housing in Fremont/Newark/Union City starting March 1 for an Egyptian man in his late 20s with a BA in marketing, looking for a place to stay for free as he pursues his asylum case and gets back on his feet after 18 months in detention, with plan to pay rent once he is working. Speaks English fluently. Please contact Allie King at  or 561-901-5446 if you have any leads. Ideal housing would be a room in a home with bathroom and kitchen access. Roommates are a plus — he is lonely after his long stay in detention.
Mobile Hygiene Unit Collection     
March 15, 2020 at Sunday Service

MPUUC is conducting a collection for the Mobile Hygiene Unit at Niles Discovery Church (NDC).  NDC coordinates the Mobile Hygiene Unit at their location on Wednesday and Friday afternoons (1-4 pm.) NDC needs the following items for the Mobile Hygiene Unit.
Hygiene Kits
They need travel/hotel-sized toiletry items, bandaids, tooth brushes, tooth paste, small bottles of mouth wash that contain no alcohol, combs, hair brushes, razors, nail clippers, emery boards.
Items commonly requested
Underwear, socks, gloves (or mittens), combs, brushes. They especially need women’s underwear and socks.   (Underwear and socks should be new items). Also requested are blankets (may be gentled used and freshly laundered).  Keep in mind that their clients don’t have much storage space. 
The Justice Council will have a display at Service for the next two Sundays, if you have questions about what is useful. More questions?  Speak to Valerie Stewart at Service or email her at
Census 2020 officially launches in 17 days!   

Below are four things you can do right now to support this effort. 
  • Add your events to our Census Calendar! 
     We will be launching our Census Outreach Calendar on March 3 and we need you to share the details of your events through this short online form. This calendar will be a tool for partners to locate your events and show up for Census support!
    • Still need help developing your Census outreach plan? Contact Outreach Manager Alessia Simmonds.
  • Attend an upcoming Census Outreach Training – Become an expert on Census Engagement (Thank you to the 280 folks who have already attended a training!) 
Refreshments will be provided at training!
  • Thursday, February 27th from 6 – 7:30 p.m.
    Alameda County Community Development Agency – Public Hearing Room (free parking) 
    224 W. Winton Avenue, Hayward
    RSVP here 
  • Wednesday, March 4th from 6:30 – 8 p.m.
    Oakland City Hall – Hearing Room 3
    1 Frank H Ogawa Plaza (near BART and limited parking available)
    RSVP here
  • Census Confidentiality Webinar – 12pm-12:30pm PT on Feb. 26, 2020
     Tune in at our Census Confidentiality Webinar hosted by our partners at Asian Americans Advancing Justice – Asian Law Caucus 
     This 30-minute session is designed for interested community members and census outreach workers who want a refresher on census confidentiality. Register here.
  • Spread the word! Check out our new Census Messenger Content here. Please utilize the social media content, newsletter blurbs, and info graphics in your communications platforms.
Rev. Jo Green

Turning Love Into Justice:
Attention Alameda County Voters

Please see attached link by clicking here for people from any faith tradition to write a letter to the White House opposing expansion of the Muslim ban. 

Please consider doing so.

Rev. Jo

The Tri-City Interfaith Council ( is a grass-roots organization bringing together people of diverse religious beliefs from Fremont, Newark, and Union City (California). Rev. Jo Green, Rev. Barbara Meyers and Paul K. Davis are members.  Join in!  

Join the Interfaith council as we Rally encouraging our community to VOTE on March 3rd!
Exercise your hard-won right:
Join us to rally our community to vote!
Thursday, February 27, 2020
5:00 to 6:00 p.m.
Walnut and Paseo Padre, Fremont
Click here for flyer 

We need your help in communities throughout Alameda County!

Assist your community by volunteering to serve as a Poll Worker for the upcoming Presidential Primary Election on Tuesday, March 3, 2020.

This opportunity allows you to be civically engaged and earn extra money.

Alameda County Registrar of Voters is working diligently to recruit Bilingual and Non-Bilingual Poll Workers to serve on Election Day.

Bilingual Poll Workers must be assessed in English and one of the following languages:
To apply online, or for more information, please visit . Should you have additional questions, please email us at, or call our office at (510) 272-6971 (option 1).

Further, promote civic engagement among all residents of Alameda County by encouraging your friends and family to serve on Election Day.
Follow us Facebook, Instagram, and Facebook

Call your Elected Officials!  
Calls can make a difference! Contact your representatives to alert them to your views!

Congressperson Eric Swalwell 510-247-1388 or go to 
Ro Khanna  (202) 225-2631 
Senator Kamala Harris   (202) 224 – 3553
Senator Diane Feinstein (202) 224-3841

Mission Peak UU | 2950 Washington Blvd Fremont CA | 510.252.1477 |