This Week on the Peak

This Week on the Peak – Wednesday, March 11, 2020
This Week on the Peak
Mission Peak UU – Fremont, CA
The Home of Liberal Religion in the Tri-Cities and Beyond!
March 11, 2020

Hello Mission Peak! 
I’m Colleen Arnold, and I’ve been a member of Mission Peak UU for 10 years now. Why do I say it’s the most wonderful time of the year? Because this is the month we get to lay the foundation for the next year! It’s Canvass Time! 
We’re hoping to call a new settled minister in a few months, which is very exciting. That minister might have some great ideas for us, and we’d love to show them how invested we are in our congregation. Don’t forget – we have a matching grant that will DOUBLE YOUR INCREASE FROM LAST YEAR! So if I increase my pledge by 20%, I’m really increasing it 40%! 
For those of you who might be new to canvass, this is the time we ask you to look into your hearts and wallets, and let us know what you’re able to pledge for next year. We’ll ask you for a dollar amount, and if you’d like to pay it in weekly. monthly, quarterly or yearly installments (there is no obligation to keep to the installment plan you’ve chosen, it just helps us plan). We take all the amounts the congregation has given us, add them up, and that’s basically most of our budget for next year. So what you’re able to pledge to our community makes a huge difference in the events, in the outreach, in the youth programs we’re able to plan for next year. 
This year we’re going to do a canvass event that’s a little different: Vote Your Pledge! We wanted to see if we could make an election fun, so we’re asking you to come to Cole Hall on March 28th to pick up your pledge card, use a voting booth to fill it out, and we’ll collect it and hopefully have results that night! We will also be serving some delicious food and have games, both board games and group trivia. 
We understand that with the concerns about COVID-19, we need to be extra cautious about contagion. As of this writing, we are still planning to hold the event, but we also will have some extra precautions: We will wipe down each booth in between uses, we will have hand sanitizer and all food preparers will wear gloves. We also have a “Plan B” for anyone wanting to participate but really practice social distancing – on the RSVP below, give us your contact information and we’ll let you know the options. 

Thank you, and I’m looking forward to our election night party!
Colleen Arnold 
This Sunday’s Service:

A UU Youth Bake Off 
The MPUUC Youth group will be bringing you insight and delight in the form of a cooking show experience. Prepare yourselves for The Great UU Bake Off
Youth Group will lead the service and assisting will be Worship Associates Shawn Snavley and Alexa Sarten. Peak Rocks will provide our music.  
Donations Requested:
In an effort to reduce the risk of germs in Cole Hall and all rooms at Mission Peak,
we are in need of hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes.
If you have any of the above items, please bring to Sunday Service.  
Thank you. 
The Adult Education Committee is pleased to offer the following classes for the Spring 2020 Quarter. Please sign up after Sunday services or email Linda Messia
Hootenanny with Jo Ann, Jackie & Steve
Jo Ann Schriner, Jackie Porter & Steve Saso
Private Home;   8 places
Sunday, April 5;   7-9 pm
John & Jackie Porter
Porter Home;   6 places ;  
Mondays: April 13 & 27;   May 11 & 25; June 8 & 22
7-9 pm
Meditation & Dharma
Eric Dittmar
Maximum Number: Open
Private Home (unless the group grows too large)
2 nd & 4 th Thursdays: April 9 & 23; May 14 & 28; June 11 & 25
7-9 pm
The Preacher In You
Rev, Jo Green
5 Saturdays: April 25 – May 30 and one Saturday TBA
10 am – Noon;   Ockerman 7/8;   8 places
Indigenous Peoples’ History Discussion
Allysson McDonald
Saturday May 9, 2020
10 am – Noon       Ockerman 3/4

Board Briefs

The board will be looking at recommendations from the Alameda County Public Health Department on mass gatherings to make our congregation and community safer from coronavirus (CoVid-19). Please look for an email from the congregation about this before you come to church on Sunday. The email will be sent before Friday at noon.

Our next board meeting is March 12th at 7:00PM via Zoom.

For complete board minutes of previous meetings or text of committee charters go to the members only section of our web site at

For more information email
Workshop on developing a Mission Peak Covenant of Right Relations Saturday, March 14rh

On Saturday, March 14th Rev Jo and I will facilitate a workshop on around developing a Covenant of Right Relations for Mission Peak UU. We will meet in Ockerman rooms 7 and 8 starting at 9:00 am with snacks, coffee and check-in. It should last till about Noon. We hope as many people can attend as possible, so we have a good cross section of the congregation.

“For more information about the workshop click here.”

The UUA website has a couple of short (one and a half pages each) articles on what covenants are and why a congregation needs one (or more). CREATING CONGREGATIONAL COVENANTS and COVENANTS HELP MEMBERS RESPECT, HEAR EACH OTHER. Please read these if you are planning to attend, or if you are considering attending

Please email me if you are planning to attend at
Save the Date for our Canvass 2020 Event:
Saturday, March 28th  5 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Canvass 2020 is our chance to show our commitment to our community. This week you should receive in the mail a canvass brochure with a UUA giving guide to help you with your decisions about your pledge for our next fiscal year. We hope you’ll take some time to review it, and don’t forget that if you’re able to increase your pledge at all from last year, we have an anonymous matching donation that will double your increase! Stay tuned for more information this month about how to show your commitment to our community through your pledge. 
Any questions? Contact Colleen Arnold at, or Kathy Wallcave at
Exercise Your Right to Vote! Looking for  a Few Good Delegates

The UU 5th principle is the  right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large. It extends to the way we do business as an association of congregations. In addition to our ordained ministers MPUUC is allowed 2 voting delegates for General Assembly (GA). Though GA will take place in Providence, RI, June 24-28, delegates can participate and vote remotely.  
The MPUUC board invites any member  interested in representing our congregation or having any questions to contact Allysson McDonald ASAP. Earlybird registration ends soon. More GA info here 

Save the Date

Our Annual Camping Trip this year will be Friday, September
18 thru Sunday, September 20.

Jen King
The Coronavirus

In the last couple of weeks we’ve had some changes that are affecting people world-wide.  With the spread of the Coronavirus, many people are worried, are afraid, maybe even completely changing their lifestyles to prevent acquiring this virus.  Much is being said and much being said is not true.  As a Unitarian Universalist congregation, we are here during these times of change, times of uncertainty, superstition, or fear.  We are here to combat those superstitions and especially now, those xenophobic associations that are being presented in the form of the Coronavirus from Wuhan.  Let us as Unitarian Universalists not associate this virus with a nationality; not associate this virus with a n opportunity to discriminate and instill fear.  We have the World Health Organization and the CDC to give us correct scientific information.  Let us rely on them as the experts while keeping our common sense and knowing that there is much we still don’t know about this virus.  
Common practices in combating the flu virus right now makes sense and not giving fear a boost when there’s sti ll so much we don’t know.  Wash your hands often; the experts say to not touch your face as that will spread the virus, and there is some concern regarding how it might be spreading in the Bay Area.  Continue to patronize Asian restaurants here in the Bay Area as they are seeing a significant drop in patronage since the advent of the Coronavirus and the xenophobic fear that others are having. 
We are here for each other to be with each other and fight false accusations sent in fear.  There is not a pandemic as yet, and yes, Mayor London Breed has called for a state of emergency in San Francisco as a precautionary measure, as this will give the city access to resources they may need in the future.  Know that we are all here for each other and that we right now are safe and that our community is safe.  I and the Lay Leaders here in the congregation will keep you abreast of any significant changes and advice.  Meanwhile, use common sense and we will monitor any recommendations coming from the CDC.   
Blessings to all,
Rev Jo

Sandwich Squad Reminder:  
You are invited to join Don Ramie and the Sandwich Squad to make sandwiches for Second Chance Addiction Recovery and Safe Alternatives for Violent Environments.
Location: Cole Hall Kitchen
Time: after the worship service this Sunday (March 15) at about 11:30am (usually the 3rd Sunday of every month).  It’s interactive, fun and rewarding. Please join us!  

Mobile Hygiene Unit Collection     
March 15, 2020 at Sunday Service

MPUUC is conducting a collection for the Mobile Hygiene Unit at Niles Discovery Church (NDC).  NDC coordinates the Mobile Hygiene Unit at their location on Wednesday and Friday afternoons (1-4 pm.) NDC needs the following items for the Mobile Hygiene Unit.
Hygiene Kits
They need travel/hotel-sized toiletry items, bandaids, tooth brushes, tooth paste, small bottles of mouth wash that contain no alcohol, combs, hair brushes, razors, nail clippers, emery boards.
Items commonly requested
Underwear, socks, gloves (or mittens), combs, brushes. They especially need women’s underwear and socks.   (Underwear and socks should be new items). Also requested are blankets (may be gentled used and freshly laundered).  Keep in mind that their clients don’t have much storage space. 
If you’d like to make a donation, but can’t bring it Sunday, Allysson can meet you at MPUUC another time this week. Please contact her. 
Poetry for Haiti
on the 9th anniversary of President Aristide’s return from exile
Wednesday, March 18, 7:00 PM
devorah major , San Francisco’s third Poet Laureate and 
Tongo Eisen-Martin,  winner, American Book Award
will join in a public reading at
St. John’s Presbyterian Church  
2727 College Ave., Berkeley
Click here for flyer
Second Saturday Documentaries at Niles Discovery Church

The Cave :  The March Second Saturday Documentary is the Academy Award nominated film The Cave. For civilians besieged by the Syrian War, hope and safety lie underground inside the subterranean hospital known as “the Cave,” where pediatrician and managing physician Dr. Amani Ballour and her colleagues Samaher and Dr. Alaa have claimed their right to work as equals alongside their male counterparts. The Cave paints a stirring portrait of courage, resilience, and female solidarity. The free screening is at 1:30 p.m., on March 14, at Niles Discovery Church, 36600 Niles Blvd., Fremont. A discussion led by Syrian American Jana Kadah will follow the screening . Learn more at .
Please click here for flyer.

Call your Elected Officials!  
Calls can make a difference! Contact your representatives to alert them to your views!

Congressperson Eric Swalwell 510-247-1388 or go to 
Ro Khanna  (202) 225-2631 
Senator Kamala Harris   (202) 224 – 3553
Senator Diane Feinstein (202) 224-3841

Mission Peak UU | 2950 Washington Blvd Fremont CA | 510.252.1477 |