This Week on the Peak

This Week on the Peak – Wednesday, May 9, 2018

This Week on the Peak
Mission Peak UU – Fremont, CA
The Home of Liberal Religion in the Tri-Cities and Beyond!
May 9, 2018

This Sunday’s Service:

(mostly) Music Sunday!

Join us for our first annual Mostly Music Sunday, in celebration of Mother’s Day and the healing power of hope. Instrumental music, song and poetry come to nourish you! 


Rev. Benson will lead the service. Program Coordinators Jay Steele and Drew Wilson will provide our music.    

Pastoral Care in May and June

In May, please contact Rev Benson,  or 510-972-3890 for pastoral care.
In June,please contact Alan Davis,

Don’t hesitate to reach out and thank you!

Children & Youth Religious Education (CaYRE)

This Week Teaching:                                               Next Week Teaching: 

K-4:Megan McMillen, Open                                    K-4: In service

5-8:  Open                                                                  5-8:  In Service
Youth Group:  Summer Lander, Alexa Sarten      Youth Group: In Service

DRE: (substitute) Steve Wallcave                          DRE:  JeKaren Olaoya       


Goldmine Youth Leadership School
Goldmine Youth Leadership School is a week-long community building and training space for high school youth interested in leadership, activism, and spiritual growth. Goldmine 2018 will be at Edmonds UU Church, just north of Seattle, WA from July 7-12. For more information please visit:

The theme this year is “Help Heal the World!” The model is one of intentional community building created and nurtured by paying attention to and bringing forth what makes spiritually and socially conscious communities work.

Summer Camps

There will be two amazing camps for children this summer! Attend both or choose one! Both will offer experiences they will never forget! 

UU Mosaic Peace Camp 
First Unitarian Church of San Jose 
June 18-22
Chalice Camp 
First Unitarian Church of Oakland
August 6-10, 2018



Get Involved: Opportunities for Service

Once a Month, Be Part of Something Special: the
Service team!

Our services are held in a space that is transformed each
Sunday.  There are a number of opportunities for you to get involved with making our space welcoming and worshipful.

With your involvement, chairs will be set up or put away; hymnals will be set on chairs or put back in the cabinet; people arriving will be greeted and handed an order of service; there will be coffee afterwards.  So, what do you say? This is our shared religious home and we aim to do Sundays well! 

Sign up for a monthly assignment or find a friend to share with and each of you serve every other month! Sign up


Ask what committees can use new members or specific tasks done: contact Gayle Tupper, Membership or Jen King, Leadership Development

It’s your community. Be a part of it with a little time and talent, too!


Turning Love Into Justice:

OUR Tri-City Interfaith Council
MPUUC is now a member organization. Only individual members can vote and anyone from the congregation may join for a $25 dues, and attend whether a member or not. Rev. Benson is a member. Join in!



Stay Strong, California! Join UUs and others from throughout the state on May 14 in Sacramento: Immigrant Lobby Day. Come to the Capitol & speak to your legislators to advance and strengthen this work.  Policy agenda, developed by 
California Immigrant Policy Center, includes: Access to Health Care & Public Benefits; Fighting Mass Detentions & Deportations; Immigrant Integration & Inclusion

Call your Elected Officials!  

Calls can make a difference! Contact your representatives to alert them to your views!

Congressperson Eric Swalwell 510-247-1388 or go to 
Ro Khanna  (202) 225-2631 
Senator Kamala Harris  
(202) 224 – 3553
Senator Diane Feinstein (202) 224-3841


Save the date:


Women’s Meeting – May 15 @ 10:00 a.m. 

The women’s group at First United is having as their guest speaker, Sophia Ahmad who is an Immigration attorney at their meeting on Tuesday, May 15 at 10:00 a.m.  MissionPeak members/friends are invitee to attend this meeting in room 7 & 8 in the Ockerman building.  We will have a discussion on the propositions on the June ballot after Ms. Ahmad finishes. 
Hope to see any and all on the 15th.

Volunteer Appreciation Potluck

Join us on May 27th as we honor our volunteers who keep this congregation going. Whether it has been a one-time contribution or every other Sunday, the time commitment to making this community vibrant matters. After the service we will host a potluck to honor all of these volunteers, so please bring a food or drink that you make (or buy!) with love and gratitude to share. A build-your-own sandwich bar will be provided. For more details contact JeKaren at

New Members!  New Friends!  Save the Date:  June 3


Be on the lookout for more details about lunch for our new members and new friends on
June 3 after
Sunday services at Eric Dittmar and Gayle Tupper’s home.  Get to know other newcomers to Mission Peak, and have time to chat with Reverend Benson and some of our congregation’s leaders.  If you feel new, then you are new, and are welcome to join us.  More information will be available at the Welcome Table on Sundays and in upcoming editions of Week on the Peak. 


MPUUC 2018 Summer Camp Out – June 15-17

Spring has sprung and Summer is right around the corner.  This year’s Congregational Camp Out will be
June 15-17 at Del Valle Regional Park.  We have room for up to 20 people.  Tents only.  Please contact Jen King for more information and to reserve your spot. Check in is anytime after
2:00 on Friday, and check-out is by
noon on Sunday (and yes, Sunday is Father’s Day). Cost is sliding scale not to exceed $25 per family.

Del Valle Regional Park, part of the East Bay Regional Park District, is located in a valley framed by oak-covered hills. The centerpiece of the park is a five-mile long lake, with all kinds of water-oriented recreation, surrounded by 4,316 acres of beautiful land for hiking, horseback riding, and nature study. Del Valle is also the eastern gateway to the Ohlone Wilderness Trail, 28 miles of scenic back country trail. The Livermore valley and its MANY wineries are also nearby. 


THANKS TO EVERYONE who made our fun/fundraiser with Deb & Mike, and Will Durst a great success. We laughed out loud and netted $3,603.75 for MPUUC!

Mission Peak UU | 2950 Washington Blvd Fremont CA | 510.252.1477 |