Author: Steve

Transgender Awareness Week

Dear friends, We are nearing the end of Transgender Awareness Week.  But we are not even close to the end of our need for it.  Increasing awareness is literally a life or death issue for 1 out of every 250 people in the U.S. (and their families) who identify by a different gender than they … Continue reading Transgender Awareness Week

Me and White Supremacy

“Me and White Supremacy” is a 28-day guide to examining our internal and usually unconscious attitudes towards race and racism. Each day tackles a different aspect of white supremacy and privilege, and ends with reflective journaling prompts to help us integrate the information. Using The Circle Way facilitation guide in the book as a starting … Continue reading Me and White Supremacy

Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation Calls a New Settled Minister

On May 17, Mission Peak UU congregation voted unanimously to call Rev. Greg Ward to be our new settled minister. We are thrilled to enter into this next phase of our congregation’s journey with him. A life-long Unitarian Universalist, Rev. Greg Ward has been a UU minister for twenty three years. He brings to MPUUC … Continue reading Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation Calls a New Settled Minister

Congregational Meeting May 17th

The Board of the Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation is calling a special meeting of the Congregation on Sunday, May 17th, 2020, at 11:30 AM, to be conducted by electronic communications, for the purpose of considering the following motion: We, the Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation, call the Reverend Greg S. Ward to be our … Continue reading Congregational Meeting May 17th