Activities Overview
Click here for our calendar of events.
Adult Education
Adult Education programs provide information about a wide variety of religions and philosophies, including the major religions of the world, earth-centered traditions, and secular philosophies of life. Mission Peak educational programs also provide practical guidance in dealing with everyday problems, such as workshops on communication and personal relationships. Some of our programs are experiential: spiritual growth workshops, our annual spiritual retreat, opportunities for meditation, mandala workshops.
For more information consult our newsletter or the latest Adult Religious Education Program Guide.
Canvass Committee
The Canvass Committee plans and organizes the annual Spring Canvass drive and all meetings related to it. They also coordinate the on-going canvassing of new members.
Children’s and Youth’s Religious Exploration (CaYRE) Committee
CaYRE meets quarterly with the Director of Religious Education to plan and coordinate our children’s religious education and to support our youth groups.
Children’s Sunday Classes
Help teach the children of our congregation on Sunday mornings about Judaism and Christianity, World Religions, or Unitarian Universalism (on a 3-year rotating curriculum). Working with an experienced teacher, teach 5 or 6 Sundays in the Spring or Fall.
Choir – the Peak Performers
If you enjoy singing – in the car, concert hall, or wherever – we’d love to have you sing with the Peak Performers about once a month during the Sunday Service and practice Wednesday eveings at Cole Hall. Instrumentalists are also welcome for accompaniment. We enjoy creating meaningful music for our worship services.
Community Garden
In cooperation with LEAF (Local Ecology and Agriculture Fremont), Mission Peak has developed a Community Garden adjacent to Cole Hall to help improve our environment.
Denominational Affairs Committee
This committee raises and maintains the congregation’s connectedness to the larger UU movement within the Pacific Central District and national Unitarian Universalist Association. The major tasks are to communicate to the congregation regularly about district and national UU events and initiatives, to organize participation in District Assembly and General Assembly, including any issues that are coming up, and to facilitate participation in denominational funding initiatives.
Facilities Committee
The Facilities Committee works to support and improve our physical facility on the United Methodist Church campus. Example projects are building a storage shelf and removing the stage to gain extra meeting space.
The Membership Committee meets monthly to plan and coordinate activities which help welcome newcomers and encourage them to get involved in the life of the congregation. They contact visitors to the congregation who sign the guest book, to invite them to activities such as New UU membership classes and Ingathering Ceremonies to recognize new members.
Mental Health Committee
Mental Health Committee members work with Rev. Barbara Meyers, our community minister, on mental health projects of importance to Mission Peak and to the larger community. Two mental-health support groups meet regularly, one for clients and another for family members.
Encouragement Committee (formerly Pastoral Associates)
The Pastoral Associates work with the minister to provide non-emergency caring support for the congregation. Associates commit to a year of service at a time and receive training. They meet monthly to provide support for each other, discuss situations confidentially, and receive additional training. As part of their ongoing care of congregants and friends, they often coordinate support when someone in our congregation needs an extra hand, from providing dinners, transportation and shopping, to house chores and child care.
Potlucks and Parties
Potlucks are held periodically during the year, sometimes on a Saturday evening. Included are a game night, a sing-a-long, and special holiday activities. We also have an annual camping trip in June.
Publicity promotes awareness of this congregation in the larger community, usually by sending press releases about church activities to area newspapers, or posting on Mission Peak’s Facebook Page.
Small Group Ministry
From mid-February through mid-November, groups of six to ten people meet twice a month to explore individual stories of faith and spiritual topics of interest. Click here for more information.
Justice Council
The Justice Council encourages education, dialogue, and action on social action issues, including support for food donations to the Viola Blythe Food Pantry, the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, and the California UU Legislative Ministry.
Sunday Services Team
The Sunday Services Team recruits and trains volunteers to help transform our rented space into a worshipful room on Sunday mornings. Individuals help with Aesthetics, Setup, Greeting, Ushering, Takedown, Coffee Preparation, and Goodies.
Worship Associates
The Worship Associates meet quarterly with the minister to plan the Sunday worship services by establishing general topics, speakers, and coordinating music and special days and events. They work with the minister (whether it’s the regular minister, a guest or a lay leader) to plan and participate in a specific worship service. Training sessions are provided for new and continuing Worship Associates.
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