Sandwich Squad
Sandwich Squad
The Mission Peak Congregation began making sandwiches and providing other foods for people in need in 2013. Initially, it was a fun, easy way for children to get involved in social justice work. Children still help, but mostly adults make it happen. Every third Sunday, after services at 11:30, the Sandwich Squad gathers in the Cole Hall kitchen and produces about 120 sandwiches. Other snacks, such as extras from recent congregational parties and our coffee hour, are also donated. Contact Don Ramie, (510) 791-6842 or, if you’d like to join us! You don’t have to be a member of the congregation.
Currently, the main recipient organizations are the Second Chance substance abuse treatment and recovery center in Newark, and the Safe Alternatives for Violent Environments counseling support and shelter in Fremont.
Check out Sandwich Squad on Meetup at
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