Older Sermons
By the Rev. Jeremy N. Nickel
By the Rev. Barbara Meyers
By the Rev. Chris Schriner
By Others
Older Sermons by the Rev. Jeremy N. Nickel
- Christmas Eve Service, December 24, 2010 – sermon and readings
A Child Is Born (MP3 file) (entire service)
A Child Is Born(MP3 file) (sermon alone)
- Sunday Service, December 19, 2010 – sermon text
The Longest Night (MP3 file) (entire service)
The Longest Night (MP3 file) (sermon alone)
- Sunday Service, December 5, 2010 – sermon text
Holy Impatience (MP3 file) (entire service)
Holy Impatience (MP3 file) (sermon alone)
- Sunday Service, November 28, 2010 – sermon text
Holy Patience (MP3 file) (entire service)
Holy Patience (MP3 file) (sermon alone)
- Sunday Service, November 21, 2010 – sermon text
What Do Prophets Dream? (MP3 file) (entire service)
What Do Prophets Dream? (MP3 file) (sermon alone)
- Sunday Service, November 7, 2010
Festival of Lights (MP3 file) (excerpts from the service)
- Sunday Service, October 31, 2010
Day of the Dead (MP3 file) (excerpts from the service)
- Sunday Service, October 24, 2010 – sermon text: It’s a Process
- Sunday Service, October 17, 2010 – sermon text: Blessing of the Animals
Excerpts from the Service (MP3 file)
- Sunday Service, October 3, 2010
sermon text: Do Unitarian Universalists Make a Difference?
Excerpts from the Service (MP3 file)
- Sunday Service, September 26, 2010 – sermon text: The Feast of the In-Gathering
- Sunday Service, May 2, 2010
The Lazy Man’s Load (MP3 file) (Excerpts from Jeremy’s Candidating Service #2)
- Sunday Service, April 25, 2010
Becoming Church (MP3 file) (Excerpts from Jeremy’s Candidating Service #1)
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Older Sermons by the Rev. Barbara Meyers
- Our Greatest Fear (August 22, 2010)
- Fathers Day (June 20, 2010)
- Sunday Service, May 23, 2010 – Double Trouble sermon text
- Spiritual Practices: Two Pulpitorials and a Sermon, by Graham Bell, Jackie Porter, and Rev. Barbara Meyers (February 21, 2010)
- The Resilient Spirit (November 29, 2009)
- The Perennial Philosophy (August 2, 2009)
- We are the Ones We’ve Been Waiting For (March 29, 2009)
- Friendship as a Calling (November 30, 2008)
- Knoxville and Letting Go (July 3, 2008)
- All the Lonely People (June 22, 2008)
- Televangelism (January 13, 2008)
- May Nothing Evil Cross This Door (August 19, 2007)
- Where Is Our Holy Church? (July 1, 2007)
- Humility (January 7, 2007)
- Christmas Eve in “No-Man’s Land” (December 24, 2006)
- Religious Impasse (August 13, 2006)
- Stages of Recovery (July 16, 2006)
- Living with Depression as guest minister at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Santa Cruz County (February 26, 2006)
- The Care of Difficult People (February 5, 2006)
- Wounded Healers (October 9, 2005)
- Our House – The Theology of Unitarian Universalism (July 24, 2005)
- Lessons Learned on the Streets of the Tenderloin (May 22, 2005)
- How do People Heal? (July 11, 2004)
- Mother Earth – The Theological Roots of Environmentalism (May 9, 2004)
- Jungian Transference in Real Life (August 27, 2002)
- Spinning Heresies (May 26, 2002)
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Older Sermons by the Rev. Chris Schriner
- A Time of Parting (July 20, 2008)
- Life 102: Beginning Anew (July 13, 2008)
- When My Father Died (June 15, 2008)
- The UU Identity Crisis: Moving Toward a Solution (June 8, 2008)
- Confessions of a Warm-Blooded Dinosaur: Looking Back on 40 Years of Ministry (May 5, 2008)
- Do We Need to Fear Death? (March 23, 2008)
- Stand By This Faith: Serving the Mission of Mission Peak (February 24, 2008)
- Grandson Trumps Theology – Giving Gayness a Human Face (February 17, 2008)
- Meaning Grows From Within (February 3, 2008)
- Beyond Category, Beyond Prejudice: Realizing the Vision of Dr. King (January 20, 2008)
- Rocking the Cradle and Rocking the Boat (December 24, 2007)
- Natural Spirituality, for This World and This Life (December 9, 2007)
- A Gospel of Ignorance (November 18, 2007)
- Going Beyond the Long White Beard: Varieties of Unitarian Universalist Theism (November 4, 2007)
- Why Unitarian Universalism Matters (October 14, 2007)
- Human Unity and Ethnic Diversity (October 7, 2007)
- Freedom, Limits, and Positive Power (June 10, 2007)
- Days of Future: Lessons of the 1960s (May 27, 2007)
- Theism and Atheism: Brothers in Disguise? (March 11, 2007)
- Spirit Guides: Fact, Fantasy or Fallacy? (February 25, 2007)
- Saving the World – Ten People at a Time (February 11, 2007)
- Starting Fresh: The Art of Beginning Again (January 21, 2007)
- Starting Fresh II: Candid Conversation as a Spiritual Practice (January 28, 2007)
- What Holds Us Together? (December 10, 2006)
- Friendly Facism and Democracy Lite (December 3, 2006)
- Gratitude: It’s Good for You (November 26, 2006)
- Illusion Number One, Part Two: Your Many Minds (November 12, 2006)
- Illusion Number One, Part One: Report From Planet Three (November 5, 2006)
- Honest to Jesus: The Gospel According to Funk (April 16, 2006)
- Our Dreams and Our Destiny (Our Annual State of the Church Message) (March 26, 2006)
- Soul Searching in the Material World (December 4, 2005)
- Your Cerebral Servant (November 20, 2005)
- The Three Pound Universe (November 6, 2005)
- Reaching Out, Reaching In (February 20, 2005)
- Values in the Voting Booth (October 17, 2004)
- The Spiritual Core of Unitarian Universalism (October 10, 2004)
- Happy Tenth Birthday, Mission Peak! (May 2, 2004)
- Letting Go, Part IV: Shaping the Quality of Life (March 7, 2004)
- Letting Go, Part III: The Itch That Can’t Be Scratched (February 22, 2004)
- Letting Go, Part II: From Demands to Preferences (February 15, 2004)
- Letting Go: A Personal Journey (February 8, 2004)
- Gay Marriage: An Idea Whose Time Has Come (December 7, 2003)
- Theism and Atheism: The Creative Tension (October 19, 2003)
- The Hindu Spirit: A Westerner’s Appreciation (October 12, 2003)
- The Beloved Community (September 28, 2003)
- Snoopy’s Doghouse, Twelfth Floor (September 14, 2003)
- The Spiritual Practice of Active Compassion (November 10, 2002)
- The Kindness Revolution (November 3, 2002)
- The Healing Heart of Unitarian Universalism (September 17, 2000)
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Older Sermons by Others
- Sunday Service, December 26, 2010 – Sermon by Jackie Porter
‘Twas the Day After Christmas (MP3 file) (entire service)
‘Twas the Day After Christmas (MP3 file) (Sermon alone)
- “Three Solstice Ceremonies by Yvonne Hughes, Allysson McDonald, and Paul K. Davis (December 19, 2010)
- “To Thine Own Self Be True by DeAnn Alm (November 14, 2010)
- Legacies of American Indians by Paul K. Davis (October 10, 2010)
- Recession, Unions, and Equity in Human Relations by Paul K. Davis (September 5, 2010)
- The Brain That Changes Itself by Sharon Davis (August 29, 2010)
- Mindfulness in Action by Patt Saso (August 15, 2010)
- War by Mark Rahman (August 8, 2010)
- Introducing the Third Jesus by Jackie Porter (July 25, 2010)
- Three Cups of Persistence by Justine Burt (July 18, 2010)
- Equality by Paul K. Davis (July 4, 2010)
- Fail: Is It Really a Four-Letter Word? by DeAnna Alm (June 27, 2010)
- Remembering Our Heroes by Paul K. Davis (May 30, 2010)
- Ethical Eating by Allysson McDonald (April 11, 2010)
MP3 file
- Three Pledge Pulpitorials, by John Porter, Doug Rodgers, and Terri King (Feb. 18, Mar. 7, Mar. 14, 2010)
- Spiritual Practices: Two Pulpitorials and a Sermon, by Graham Bell, Jackie Porter, and Rev. Barbara Meyers (February 21, 2010)
- (MP3 file) Spiraling Into the Future (Excerpts from the January 3, 2010 service)
- Bad Logic: A Search and Destroy Mission, by Paul K. Davis (December 6, 2009)
- God is a Song, by Doug Rodgers (November 8, 2009)
- Giants In the Mist, by Mark Rahman (August 30, 2009)
- What I’ve learned from my Remote Ancestors and Distant Relatives, by Paul K. Davis (August 23, 2009)
- Can We Talk About God?, by Jackie Porter (August 16, 2009)
- What does It Mean to Have a Free and Responsible Search for Truth?, by Mark Rahman (August 9, 2009)
- Grounded in Earth, by Catherine Ishida (April 26, 2009)
- Science and Religion, by Paul K. Davis (March 22, 2009)
- The Faith That Can Save the World, by Bob Meyerson (March 8, 2009)
- (MP3 file) Saving Lives/Helping Families, by Kevin Drewery (February 8, 2009)
- White Privilege, by Allysson McDonald and Paul K. Davis(January 18, 2009)
- Politics and Religion, by Paul K. Davis(October 26, 2008)
- (MP3 file) What Harry Potter Has Taught Me about Being a Unitarian Universalist, by Kevin Drewery (September 28, 2008)
- Labors of Love: How Volunteering Rewards as Well as Helps, by Holly Ito, Mark Rahman, John Landers, and Natalie Campbell (August 31, 2008)
- The Civil War, Then and Now, by Mark Rahman (August 17, 2008)
- Breaking Through to a Sustainable Future: Using Unitarian Universalist Values to Frame a New Vision, by Justine Burt (April 20, 2008)
- Canvass Talks: Four Homilies, by Natalie Campbell, Graham Bell, Karin Lin, and Doug Rodgers (March 2008)
- Now Is The Time: Three Homilies, by Karen Sindelar, Beth Schaefer, and Jodie Xiao (March 2, 2008)
- Small Group Ministry: Saving the World 10 People at a Time, by Doug Rodgers (February 10, 2008)
- Homily: We Can’t Be Colorblind, by Beth Schaefer (January 20, 2008)
- Small-Scale Democracy, by Paul K. Davis (September 2, 2007)
- Living Faithfully: A Small Group Ministry Discussion Topic, a lay-led service (August 5, 2007)
- Putting On the Mind of Christ, by Jackie Porter (July 29, 2007)
- The Color of Our Congregation, by Karin Lin (November 19, 2006)
- Water Service Words, by Doug Rodgers (September 10, 2006)
- A Third “U”: a Unitarian-Universalist Perspective on Labor Unionism, by Paul K. Davis (September 3, 2006)
- Infinity and Beyond, by Mark Rahman (August 17, 2006)
- We Were Made for These Times, by Rev. Kurt Kuhwald (August 20, 2006)
- Anger: It can be Healthy, by Ralph Nelson (August 6, 2006)
- Reaching Out to Our Community, by John Porter (July 23, 2006)
- Churches Run On Feelings, by Doug Rodgers (June 18, 2006)
- The Bible and Homosexuality, by Paul K. Davis (May 28, 2006)
- Sustainnability: The Biggest Umbrella, by Justine Burt (April 23, 2006) – in celebration of Earth Day 2006
- On the Road, by the Rev. Zsolt Solymosi, delivered at Mission Peak on April 9, 2006
- On A Mission, by the Rev. Amy Zucker Morgenstern (April 2, 2006) – inspirational words for our annual canvass kickoff
- Tolerance, Respect and Compassion, by Doug Rodgers (March 19, 2006)
(Or listen to the MP3 version)
- The Revelation of the Individual – Oneness Beyond Churches, Doctrines and Religion, by Graham Bell (February 19, 2006)
- What We Believe, by Doug Rodgers (January 8, 2006)
(Or listen to the MP3 version)
- Peter Gilman’s Awakening: Reflections on Revelation and Neuroscience, by Dan Forbush (November 14, 2005)
- What Is Your Calling, by Karen Sindelar (August 28, 2005)
- Ethics vs. Morality, by Mark Rahman (August 21, 2005)
- The Environment: Some Moral and Spiritual Questions, by John Porter (August 14, 2005)
- Unitarian Universalism, the Next World Religion, by Doug Rodgers (July 17, 2005)
- According to Ferris Bueller, by Sarah Wallcave (June 5, 2005)
- Prophecy: Some Considerations, by Becky Gunn (January 16, 2005)
- Continuing to Feed One Another, by Jackie Porter (November 28, 2004)
- Global Climate Change, by Justine Burt (August 22, 2004)
- Boggling the Mind, by Doug Rodgers (August 8, 2004)
- Coming Out of the Closet or Out From Behind the Mask, by Cindy Bruhn (July 18, 2004)
- The Search for Meaning, by John Porter (January 6, 2002)
- Go and Give a Boy a Gun, by Rev. Howard N. Dana (October 10, 1999)
- Rocksoft, by Rev. Ben Meyers (July 13, 1997)
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