Speaker: Mark Rahman

Annual Poems Service

Poetry (from the Greed word, poiesis, ‘making’) is a form of expression that uses aesthetic and rhythmic qualities of language to present multiple layers of meaning. Creatively using techniques suggesting contrast, irony, metaphor, allusion, myth and humor provide a conversation between surface-level and higher order meaning. The ability to simultaneously reflect on a wide variety … Continue reading Annual Poems Service


We all remember the 7 Deadly Sins (now what was that last one?) that are considered temptations. But there are parts of our inner being that can lead us astray often without our knowledge. They become habits that are part of a natural order as considered by our inner being. Can we unlearn the habits … Continue reading Temptation

Words Matter

Everything we say, every way that we say it, every way that people can hear what we say has an effect on those around us. How that works is often outside our awareness of the communication that is taking place. Communication is a two way process in which we only vaguely know the other side. … Continue reading Words Matter

Who Is My Other?

We usually talk of connectedness by asking who is my sibling (brother) or neighbor. But this limits to whom we may be connected. Should I ask who is to me someone who is the other? How are they my other when my value system informs me that I must acknowledge their inherent worth and dignity. … Continue reading Who Is My Other?

Recover to What? [Video]

As I write this, I do not know who shall prevail in the election at any level. We shall explore how others have recovered from traumatic events that had lasted all their lives. In some cases the promise of escape was fulfilled and sometimes not. If there is hope on this Sunday, it will be … Continue reading Recover to What? [Video]

What is ‘Normal’?

Human beings spend a lot of time worrying about presenting as normal and passing judgment when others are not presenting as normal.  But is this a reality or a fiction that is perpetrated for the purposes of social cohesion?  How do we operate as normal and what other ways are there to consider the concept?  … Continue reading What is ‘Normal’?

When I Do For Others, Who Am I Really Helping?

“Many of us give back to the community, often the ones that appear to have little spare time or tether to hang on to.  What makes us spend scarce resources outside the family on complete strangers who will often not be able to pay us back?  And how do we choose what to do?  We are driven to help others at no gain to ourselves. Altruism is not peculiar
to humans but we seem to make a habit of it.”

It’s a Man’s World, or is it?

The hegemony of men in our society has been in a state of disruption for over a hundred years and in decline for fifty years, notwithstanding the rear guard action of many. As the stereotypical role of men falls apart, what will take its place. Father’s Day is appropriate to speculate on that new paradigm using the tool of Hegelian Dialectics. Will there even be a ‘Man’s Role’ in the future or will there be a completely new concept of division of labor or none at all?