Speaker: Paul K. Davis

Moral Progress

In 1891 Alfred Russel Wallace wrote “Although we have progressed vastly beyond the savage state in intellectual achievements, we have not advanced equally in morals.” This is certainly still the case, nevertheless we have made some progress. When feeling discouraged about social progress it can be encouraging to take a long view. People, worldwide, have … Continue reading Moral Progress


In the course of life it is important to understand why specific bad things have happened. This leads to the assignment of “blame”. While blame is a useful concept, it is easily and frequently misused. One common error is to assume that if blame can be placed on one person, or one small group, that … Continue reading Blame


Though we Unitarian Universalists do not have any required or standard theology, we have our individual understandings of the divine. My understanding of divine began to develop in my youth, and has continued to grow and shift throughout my life. From studying many belief systems from many sources, I have realized that there are many … Continue reading MY GOD

Why Democracy?

Unitarian Universalist principles include “the use of the democratic process within our congregations and society at large,” but the need for democracy is much deeper. Not only is it a mechanism for realizing other U-U principles, it is also basic to the survival of humanity. Worship leader Paul Davis has delivered previous messages on the … Continue reading Why Democracy?

Einstein’s Dilemma

In 1939 Albert Einstein signed a letter to President Roosevelt explaining the possibility of a nuclear bomb. In 1945, after two of them were used to obliterate Japanese cities, he regretted the letter and began campaigning for international restrictions on nuclear weaponry. Unfortunately, though many more prominent voices have been raised, little has been accomplished … Continue reading Einstein’s Dilemma

“Is Pluto a Planet? The Blessings and Perils of Labeling”

We generally feel that labeling and categorization of people is bad, but I have learned that sometimes it is valuable. In a recent sermon joshua schwartz explained that the autism label helped in self understanding, and after that service, in break-out room discussion, participants noted how accepting and receiving labels of lesbian and of dyslexic … Continue reading “Is Pluto a Planet? The Blessings and Perils of Labeling”

Learning from the Magi

(Using the visit of the magi to advocate that religious traditions should accept input from other traditions, leading to a review of the six broad sources from which Unitarian Universalists look for guidance and inspiration.) The Zoom link and Order of Service will be provided at mpuuc.org/zoom.


Democracy is sacred to Unitarian Universalists. This is concretely expressed as one of our values: “The right of the conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and society at large”. But democracy is not a simple word, it is a complex process, a process which includes much more than simply voting, … Continue reading Democracy

Beginning a Pandemic

This past year we experienced a great pandemic, perhaps the twentieth or so in recorded history, and it continues. Like previous disease pandemics, it was accompanied by a pandemic of illogic, untruth and selfishness. Let us work, during this new year and new presidential administration, to infectiously spread a pandemic of logic, truth and love. … Continue reading Beginning a Pandemic

Civilization is a Forest

My education would lead one to believe modern civilization developed in Europe, after the Middle Ages, and then spread to most of the rest of the world. I have learned that this is a big distortion. I now conclude that civilization has been progressively developing in many parts of the world. Modern civilization has roots … Continue reading Civilization is a Forest