Speaker: Rev. Jo Green

International Women’s Day: Where Do We Go From Here?

On this day honoring women around the world, we will explore the place in history women have played and the advances made in equality. How have our lives changed and has our Second Principle participated in achieving equality with women? Join us this Sunday to celebrate women!

Generosity with Each Other [pdf]

Those times when we don’t feel very generous can put us in an irritable mood. When we are feeling grumpy and deprived, having another person there for support can help. Our theme this month is generosity and we are also looking at creating a covenant. How do these two qualities relate to each other? How do they encompass our Seven Principles? Join us this Sunday as we explore generosity in ourselves and covenanting with others.

Reconciliation or Punishment [pdf]

Our criminal justice system is not a system of justice. We have seen the ineffectiveness and harm this system has inflicted on our culture, especially those of People of Color. Let us explore this Sunday how the concept of reconciliation and restitution heals more effectively than punishment.

(S)Heroes and Leaders – Are they the same?

How do you view leadership in your lives? Do you view yourself as having the characteristics of a leader? And does this make you a hero? Let us explore this Sunday what makes a leader and what makes a hero or shero as we also honor the Love Hero Award we will be presenting.

Groundhog Day

Mark Twain said, “Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.” It’s Groundhog Day and this day is famous for doing something over and over again in life until you finally reach your goal. Have you experienced this in your lives and have you learned from it? Do we learn from our mistakes? Let us explore this Sunday how we can use our experiences to help heal the world.

Martin Luther King, Jr. Service

This Sunday we will share our worship with First United Methodist Church as has become the tradition for many years. Rev. Jo Green and Pastor Hee Soon Kwon are pleased to welcome our special guest preacher Rev. Ron Swisher for this Sunday service. We will be meeting in the Sanctuary of First United Methodist Church. All will be welcome to share the dreams and legacy that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr bequeathed to us to make this world a better and more peaceful place.

Bridging the Divide into Belonging

What can we do as Unitarian Universalists to bridge this divide that so many of us feel? Our country is divided. We hear it daily and we are now officially in an election year. How can we get a sense of belonging and create the world our 6th principle affirms? Join us this Sunday as we explore the goal of world community together.

That Feeling of Belonging

What does it feel like to belong? That feeling of belonging is central to human interaction and the development of self-confidence and self-esteem. When we don’t feel like we belong, that feeling can overcome us in a variety of ways, culminating in depression and a deep feeling of unworthiness. This Sunday let us explore our … Continue reading That Feeling of Belonging

Christmas Eve Service -Journey of the Immigrant

On this holy night in the Christian tradition, a family traveled many miles to reach a land where they would be safe. During this Christmas Eve service, we will explore the similarities of immigrants then and immigrants today and how we can offer aid to those today when there’s no room in the Inn. Peak Performers, our Mission Peak choir, will perform.

The Celebration of Winter Solstice

In times of old, pagans and other cultures rejoiced at the coming of Winter Solstice and celebrated the Goddess Moon energy. It was an appreciation of the shortest day of the year and the recognition and celebration that the days would once again lengthen. During this Yule service, we will learn about the mystery and sacredness of the return of the Sun during these long winter months.