Speaker: Rev. Jo Green

The More You Give, The More You Get

In this era of admiration of wealth and owning “stuff”, how do we get past the enculturation of the idea that our worth is dependent on what we have? How do we teach our children and others to have self-worth, to not only give money, but to give of themselves. This Sunday lets explore the art of giving, how it reflects on society and what the true reward can be.

What Does Our Future Hold?

This Stewardship Sunday let us gain inspiration from our history celebrating 25 years and with our vision of what we want to become and how we see ourselves. How do we see ourselves? What is our vision? Do they match? Do we have the answers to those questions? This Sunday let’s explore our identity and our goals and what we want Mission Peak’s future to look like.

There is Room for Abundance [video]

Our minds direct our lives in ways we don’t really know. Do you think in terms of abundance or do you think in terms of scarcity? Does either one determine what happens in our lives or does it have any effect? This Sunday let’s explore how we want to live our lives and ways we can enhance it.

Who cares for the activist? [video]

We all acknowledge our admiration for the members of our society who take action, who give service, who rise above diligently each and every day to fight for those who cannot fight for themselves. But who cares for the activist, the fighter of rights, the giver of daily service? Let’s explore how to offer social justice to the world without burning ourselves to the ground.

Who is the Prisoner? [video]

We all agree that our prison system is failing society. We all agree that it is injurious to so many and yet we continue to support this system, wittingly or unwittingly. In this month of Justice and Black History Month, how can we begin to change this system of systemic violence that not only damages the prisoner but also injures the captor?

Where are our Heroes? [video]

Join us this Sunday as we honor two very important people in our community with our Love Hero Award. And then let’s ask ourselves, “Who are our heroes today and where are they?” They may be right before your eyes.

Shared Service with First United Methodist Church

This Sunday we will share our worship with First United Methodist Church as has become the tradition for many years. Rev. Jo Green and Pastor Hee Soon Kwon will lead the service accompanied by a joint choir made up of members of both congregations in the sanctuary of First Methodist. We will be centering on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, his dreams, and the legacy he left the world. We indeed will be following his dream as we share worship with others of different faith traditions.

Bring a Friend Sunday

As a congregation, how often do we invite others into our lives to participate in that which is deeply important to us? This Sunday bring a friend to experience what it is that draws you each week to the people in this community. We will focus on Vision which is our theme for the month. What does it mean to us and how can we accomplish it? We all have dreams of how we want our lives to be – let’s begin now!

Christmas Eve Service – Lessons and Carols

On this holy night of the Christian faith of which our roots began, we will celebrate this evening with readings and songs lead by the minister and congregants, ending with a Unitarian Transylvanian tradition of communion. Please join us and celebrate with us, concluding with a candlelight vigil. All ages are welcome to this 5 pm service.

Healing in Our Congregation [video]

When we’ve been hurt, we go through stages of grief and anger at the loss of the relationship we thought we had. What comes next after forgiveness and gratitude is healing. How we choose to be healed or not will determine our happiness. This Sunday let us learn to heal.