Topic: Awakening

The Interdependent Web of Life of Which We’re a Part (Earth Day)

Almost everyone will tell you that they care about the earth. They care about the relationship they have helped to co-create [and re-create everyday] with the other 8.7 million species that co-habitate with us on planet earth. But what does it really mean to responsibly live up to our end of the interdependent bargain? This … Continue reading The Interdependent Web of Life of Which We’re a Part (Earth Day)

The Easter Exam

What is Easter? Beneath all the fancy clothes, the music and pagentry… Beyond the history, theology, and confusing stories of eggs, empty tombs, bunnies and brunches… what would we find that gives us real hope? What’s there that would tell us whether we’re on the right track for transformation in our lives and for the … Continue reading The Easter Exam

Wrong God

Father Greg Boyle is a Jesuit priest and the founder of Homeboy Industries, the world’s largest gang intervention, rehabilitation and re-entry program in the world. He’s worked with over 10,000 human beings each year for the last three decades. Most of them, he says, have come to the startling revelation that, when faced with neglect, … Continue reading Wrong God