Topic: Healing

Guest at Your Table – A Personalized Tour Into the Interdependent Web

One of the things UUs value most in todays world is education – opportunities to learn about how the world really works, especially in areas and on topics that really matter where we don’t have first hand access or information. The Guest at Your Table program is a UU developed enterprise that allows us to … Continue reading Guest at Your Table – A Personalized Tour Into the Interdependent Web

From Doctrine of Discovery to the Beloved Community – Revisiting a Whitewashed History

As a nation, our relationship with the land on which we live – and the people who lived on it before us, is awash in complicated and unreconciled conflict. More and more, people are wanting a place of healing. To get there we must walk backwards on a trail of tears to a shared understanding … Continue reading From Doctrine of Discovery to the Beloved Community – Revisiting a Whitewashed History

Recover to What? [Video]

As I write this, I do not know who shall prevail in the election at any level. We shall explore how others have recovered from traumatic events that had lasted all their lives. In some cases the promise of escape was fulfilled and sometimes not. If there is hope on this Sunday, it will be … Continue reading Recover to What? [Video]