Topic: Initiative

Seven Stories to Liberation

Although almost all people who have really considered it are drawn to the idea of Beloved Community, many modern theologians argue it is not a straight line from oppression to liberation. There is an evolution involved. Brian McLaren, Richard Rohr and other theologians think of it as the need to try on and tell ourselves … Continue reading Seven Stories to Liberation

Babies, Bathwater and the Belonging that’s our Birthright

According to the Christian calendar, it was shortly after Jesus appeared to the grieving disciples that they began the diaspera to share the ‘good news.’ Each of the remaining disciples was sent out with the task of gathering people to form communities. But it was Paul who had the real knack for community building. This … Continue reading Babies, Bathwater and the Belonging that’s our Birthright

The Value of Care is Invaluable

What is most valuable in our culture cannot be monetized because care, tenderness, service, and loving kindness are beyond the designation of dollars and cents. They are the currency of the heart and soul. The Zoom link and Order of Service will be provided at