Topic: Leadership

Predictions, Prophecies, and Promises

Today’s social and political atmosphere can generate significant fear, despair, and chaos. The course of our lives may feel uncertain and even out of our control. Drawing inspiration from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, we will explore the power of predictions, prophecies, and promises in these times, and how to deepen our resilience as Unitarian Universalists manifesting justice and love

Reconciliation or Punishment [pdf]

Our criminal justice system is not a system of justice. We have seen the ineffectiveness and harm this system has inflicted on our culture, especially those of People of Color. Let us explore this Sunday how the concept of reconciliation and restitution heals more effectively than punishment.

(S)Heroes and Leaders – Are they the same?

How do you view leadership in your lives? Do you view yourself as having the characteristics of a leader? And does this make you a hero? Let us explore this Sunday what makes a leader and what makes a hero or shero as we also honor the Love Hero Award we will be presenting.

Groundhog Day

Mark Twain said, “Good judgement comes from experience. Experience comes from bad judgement.” It’s Groundhog Day and this day is famous for doing something over and over again in life until you finally reach your goal. Have you experienced this in your lives and have you learned from it? Do we learn from our mistakes? Let us explore this Sunday how we can use our experiences to help heal the world.