Topic: Re-Dedication

A Life Less Ordinary

The greatest of epiphanies provide something amazing – something we couldn’t imagine. But they also take from us something we thought we would always have… something we couldn’t live without. The greatest periods of growth always come when we are ready to stop holding so tightly to ‘what is,’ long enough for ‘what can be’ … Continue reading A Life Less Ordinary

Finding Happiness

Give up on all the Gods ‘out there’ who’ve promised to save you. There is only one thing that will save you. That CAN save you. And that one thing requires all your acceptance, all your reverence, all your perseverance and all your commitment. People have been looking for it and yet stepping over it. … Continue reading Finding Happiness

Loved Into Being

We are in a moment that matters. Our eyes fall upon countless examples of corruption, ideological extremism, environmental degradation, systemic racism and every form of division imaginable. It’s overwhelming to realize we are at the point of no return. Even more to realize, it’s on our generation to turn everything around. But most overwhelming is … Continue reading Loved Into Being

Re-Dedication to Anti-Racism Work

The history and future of our congregation’s commitment to anti-racism and anti-oppression. Our original commitment. What we’ve done this year. Where we see this in the future. RECORDING LINK.