Topic: Re-investing

Terror, Trauma and Self Care – How to Put Love at the Center and Sustain a Vital Resistance

There is a new administration influencing national, state, regional and local politics. Decisions are being made to target vulnerable populations in ways that criminalize and de-humanize them. The authoritarian playbook believes this will divide and overwhelm the resistance. There is no doubt that this is painful and frightening. However, when Love is employed in public … Continue reading Terror, Trauma and Self Care – How to Put Love at the Center and Sustain a Vital Resistance

Blessed by an Acnestis

We are all given a particular tool essential to enlightenment which all too often goes unnamed when counting our blessings. Scientists have called it an acnestis. Engineers, psychologists, architects and even lawyers will attest to its cursed properties and it’s tendencies to torment an individual. But the theologian will quickly point out the often overlooked … Continue reading Blessed by an Acnestis