Topic: Reconciliation

Courageous Conversations and the Spiritual Art of Reconciliation

He had bumped up against it his whole life: condemnation, derision, contempt, exclusion… But he could never wrap his head around it. He couldn’t understand it. ‘How can they hate me, if they don’t even know me?’ he asked. This simple question propelled him. It transformed his anger to energy, his fear to curiosity, his … Continue reading Courageous Conversations and the Spiritual Art of Reconciliation

The God of Our Misunderstandings

The road to reconciliation has a great advocate and nemesis all in one: religion. On the one hand we hear religion’s testimony of peace, harmony and compassionate co-existence. Yet, that’s often countered by its absolutes, extremism and division. In this service, we look not at what ‘they’ (religious organizations) get wrong, but where ‘we’ (human … Continue reading The God of Our Misunderstandings

Here Is What We Have

How many universes has it taken to bring us here, exactly where we are on the life path? Here is what we have, and “each voice sings its note of eternity” (John Tarrant, The Light Inside the Dark). Please be aware that we will be having services on Zoom only on August 8, 2021. Sadly, … Continue reading Here Is What We Have

Rethinking Our Fourth Principle for a Universalist Future

Our fourth principle calls on us to affirm our individual rights and each others’ rights to a free and responsible search for truth and meaning. But are we really living in to the spirit of this principle? Building toward a future of Unitarian Universalism in which we collectively commit deeply to dismantling oppression in all … Continue reading Rethinking Our Fourth Principle for a Universalist Future