Topic: Recovenanting

The Founding Fathers

At the Constitutional Convention in 1787, the “Founding Fathers” of the United States designed a democracy for an entire nation. This was something altogether untried, with global consequences. The experiment proved both durable and flexible. The idea persists that the “Founding Fathers” were Christians, and therefore this is a “Christian nation.” Pastors and some politicians … Continue reading The Founding Fathers

Love Hero

When Hate and Hurt come to town, it is rarely a good idea to fight fire with fire. For this year’s Love Hero Award, we are very proud to celebrate a group of spiritual leaders who are committed to diverse expressions of love to change the world for good. TCIC understands that we need not … Continue reading Love Hero

Love Over the Long Haul (or, What Happens After You Realize You’re Married to a Yak)

Love is a great idea. For most of us, it is what shapes our dreams and aspirations for how we want to live – and what we want most from the people we live with. But we are inundated with stories that describe love swooping in to sweep us off our feet when, in truth, … Continue reading Love Over the Long Haul (or, What Happens After You Realize You’re Married to a Yak)

Blessing of the Animals

Sometimes, in our pre-occupation with human customs and conventions, we lose track of all the ways we are blessed by our non-human companions through this journey through life. They, however, very rarely lose track of us. In this service, we will look closely at all the ways our various furry, flapping, flippered, scaly, slimy and … Continue reading Blessing of the Animals