It’s a Mystery – How Do We Get 2020 Vision?
Our theme for December has been “mystery”, and what is more mysterious than the future? Sometimes it seems we have no control over that! Some create vision boards to help them focus on the outcomes they want to achieve. But science tells us that traditional vision boards can actually make us less likely to succeed because we may then passively wait for our dreams to come true. What’s more helpful is to visualize the work or the steps involved in bringing about success. Join us this morning for an inter generational workshop where you envision not only your goals for the New Year, but how you might attain them. There will be magazines and other paper resources, art supplies, and poster board set up at stations. If you have supplies you don’t mind sharing, contact Shawn. We will also sing, share joys and concerns, and move together as we acknowledge the changing of the year and look to the future.