Topic: Reverence


In the course of life it is important to understand why specific bad things have happened. This leads to the assignment of “blame”. While blame is a useful concept, it is easily and frequently misused. One common error is to assume that if blame can be placed on one person, or one small group, that … Continue reading Blame


Theology is like art. Once you imagine a picture inside you, it wants to emerge and become real. But when the art within you is telling a story about beauty and worth, and the world around you is telling a story of domination, control, poverty and hunger, it can be confusing. Using the determined and … Continue reading Enthusiasmos

A Promise, Time and Circumstance Walk into a Bar…

Thirty years ago, on May 1, 1994, over a hundred people gathered to create a Charter whereby they became a community known as Mission Peak Unitarian Universalist Congregation. Five years later, on April 27, 1999, Rev. Greg Ward was ordained into the Unitarian Universalist Ministry. Both anniversaries are significant. At the heart of each is … Continue reading A Promise, Time and Circumstance Walk into a Bar…