Topic: Beginning

Here If You Need Me

Kate Braestrup was not intending to be a UU minister. She has happy to leave that for others who dreamed of such things. But when tragedy visited her unexpectedly, she – quite by surprise – heard the call to offer love and solace from the most unlikely source: her own grief. This service will talk … Continue reading Here If You Need Me

Beginning a Pandemic

This past year we experienced a great pandemic, perhaps the twentieth or so in recorded history, and it continues. Like previous disease pandemics, it was accompanied by a pandemic of illogic, untruth and selfishness. Let us work, during this new year and new presidential administration, to infectiously spread a pandemic of logic, truth and love. … Continue reading Beginning a Pandemic

Strange Fruit

Abel Meeropol, like many of us, saw something he could not unsee. And he took it extremely personally. He connected the dots that wove a web of interdependence between himself, black men who were terrorized by racism, the children of spies, and the song no one liked but everyone remembered. This is a sermon about … Continue reading Strange Fruit

Begin with the End in Mind

Steven Covey wrote the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Habit 2 urges us to begin with the end in mind. That habit, calls us to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of our desired direction and destination, and then continue to flex our proactive muscles to make things happen. One … Continue reading Begin with the End in Mind


The message of this service is: “Beauty is the Antidote to Brokenness” We will begin this year with the spiritual practice of noticing that which we find beautiful in the midst of a broken and hurting world. The Zoom link and Order of Service will be provided at