Topic: Kindness

Flower Communion

“Come this Sunday to celebrate in our Flower Communion Ceremony to honor Norbert Capek who created this service in the United States.  He then returned to the Czech Republic and began the first Unitarian congregation there.  Let us feel the connection to him and to each other this Sunday in honor of this martyr that he became.  This will be an intergenerational service.

Imperfect Kindness [pdf]

Each week, we light our chalice to remind ourselves to treat all people kindly. In these times of division, what does “kindly” look like? Ilze Duarte will share the lessons she has learned about kindness. Although—or perhaps because—these lessons come with contradictions and challenges, they underscore the importance of kindness as a spiritual practice.

Charter Sunday Celebration! [video & pdf]

This Sunday is very special in the life of this congregation. We will be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of this congregation joining the Unitarian Universalist Association as a registered congregation! Come to hear and see past leaders and influences in the life of Mission Peak. What will our Future bring?