Unitarian Universalist Mental Health Blog

A UU Mental Health blog has been created to be a beacon for education about mental health in order to remove stereotypes and prejudice and promote understanding and justice within Unitarian Universalism and beyond. It is a joint project of the EqUUalAccess Mental Health Caucus and the mental health community ministry of Rev. Barbara F. Meyers.
We provide contributions from a number of different viewpoints from people who are knowledgeable about mental health issues. A special focus will be on ethical impact of mental health issues using a UU lens. Voices from many people will be articulated, and expect that contrasting opinions will be expressed.
We will aim to speak with love, caring, honesty, authenticity, constructively, and when necessary issue a challenge, giving voice to mental health issues in society, especially in marginalized communities.
You can access the blog and sign up to follow it at UUMentalHealth.org.
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